Friday, February 8, 2008

C19 - A Village Called New York - C 20 - Tea With The Taliban

Blog Chapter 19 - A Village Called New York

  1. What is a Wahhabi Madrassa? How are they significant? (Explain their purpose and what they hope to achieve - use facts and figures to back up your statement)
  2. What is the signifcance of the chapter 19 title? Explain.
  3. Paraphrase Syed Abbas speech.
  4. What does Mortenson say the true core tenants of Islam are?

    Blog Chapter 20 -Tea With The Taliban

  5. "Dr. Greg, Shib, Madame Kathy, come,"...."a table is nearly available, and I fear....foreigners will simply grasp it." Describe what is happening in this situation and what it means.
  6. Was Mortenson at risk having tea with the Taliban?
  7. Describe the happenings at the American Consulate in Katmandu, Nepal.
  8. How does William Butler Yeat's "The Second Coming" relate to Three Cups?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Nothing like a bit 'o politics to get a Wednesday started off right. Answer the following:

  1. Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?

  2. What was at stake politically?

  3. What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?

  4. What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.

  5. Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.

Monday, February 4, 2008

C 18 - Shrouded Figure

"Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything." Mother Teresa

This chapter we've read for today is teaching a lesson. The events that occur, Mortenson's activities and interactions between individuals, and the movement of the Shrouded Figure from beginning to end are the author's way of making a point. What is the lesson? What is the author trying to teach? After you've decided on the lesson of this chapter, support your conclusion. How do the events in the text come together to teach the lesson? (It may be of benefit to think about the chapter title, the quote used, the individuals we are introduced to in this chapter, the advice given)