Using the image of the Mortenson's from their family Christmas card, answer the following:
- What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
- Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
- Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
I think that the reason they chose this photo is because it is ironic.
The Card says peace on earth while their holding AK-47's. Mortenson I believes in good works but I'm not sure what faith he is. I think that Greg might run into trouble with som Pakistani's maybe.
They picked that because any family in their right mind would have done so, I am just kidding, they were trying to make it funny as it was ironic.
I think it was just meant to be ironic no harm done just a nice joke between friends and family.
I feel like one of the family/friends would be offended by the picture and maybe the pictures shows they own AK-47s and may have to use them to save the village.
1) I think the family used this photo becuase it showed everyone what they were working for.
2) The caption "Peace On Earth" sort of goes with what Greg was working torwards becuase he was trying to educate kids, but in doing so he might have helped in bring peace to that area.
3) I think that at some point Tara will be going with Greg to Pakistan.
They felt it would be a amusing thing to wish Peace on Earth and then be holding weapons to show how that statement is normally carried out. Later on there might be trouble and they could need to have the weapons to defend themselves, someone, or something.
1. "War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun."
- Mao Zedong
"To secure peace is to prepare for war."
- Carl von Clausewitz
"If we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are at all times ready for war."
- George Washington
Peace can only be achieved if one is prepared for war, especially in Pakistan. That is why the Mortenson family chose this picture.
2. Yes, because Mortenson does believe in peace, yet he also must realize that it cannot occur without war.
3. War will come to the Mortenson family, and they will have to use war to regain peace.
I think the reason they chose this picture is it shows how they need guns in order to protect themselves. Also they probably both feel at home in Pakistan and they felt that it would be best to portray them at their happiest time.
I think that this means that Mortenson just wants there to be peace and feels no reason to use anger or resisitance.
I have a weird feeling that Mortenson and Tara and their child are going to live in Korphe for the rest of their lives. Also, due to the guns being in the picture, I see a threat moving in on the village.
1) I think that they picked that picture to represent that there still is peace in an gun contolled enviorment.
2) I don't really think that it dose "mesh" with my interpretation of who he believes in.
3) I think that the men that were garding the bridge are going to enter the vilage and start conflict with them and possibly shoot people.
I think the mortensons picked this picture for their christmas card to be funny, and for laughs, but to also show what they are doing to help promote peace on earth.
The Caption is just promoting what they are trying to accomplish in Pakistan.
I think what will happen next is the family will probably continue building schools and helping out poor villages. Maybe they will even find a permanent home in Pakistan?
What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
I think they chose this picture because its funny and ironic. Peace on earth, holding AK47's? I laughed when I saw it.
Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
Yes, partially. Mortenson is fighting for education, not so much peace. Of course who doesnt desire world peace, but I dont think that was Mortensons mission.
Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
I feel like something dangerous is going to happen, a gun fight or something.
I think they picked the photo because it was an ironic picture. The caption of "Peace on earth" would be a good picture for a Christmas card, but the AK-47's make it in to an ironic photo. Due mostly in part that people would think that if you have an AK-47 your odd or don't believe in peace.
My prediction is that Mortenson might have to use them in self defense.
I think they took this picture because the guns display a complete oppsite meesage than the family. Yes, they do mesh because it shows that peace and guns don't go together. I think what will happen next is that Mortenson will get kids to stop using weapons and go to school.
1. I think that they chose this picture as thier photo, is because it has alot of irony. Mortenson is there trying to make peace by building schools, yet his picture shows them holding AK-47's, and also the caption says, "Peace On Earth"
2. It doesn't really change my perspective on mortenson because if he was somebody who just wanted to fight, then he wouldn't be over there building schools.
3. Maybe issues may be brewing up that may cause mortenson and his family to stand up and fight to protect the village and themselves.
1. I think the Mortensons picked this card because they wanted to make it ironic with the title. It says "peace on earth" and they are holding guns. Also, they live in a place that is very hostile. There is violence all around them, and they are trying to protect themselves.
2. I think that the "Peace on Earth" quotation fits fairly well with what Mortenson believes in. He is helping out these people that don't have enough money to buy supplies for a school, and he doesn't really care what race they are. It doesn't make sense in the fact that he isn't protesting the wars or anything (to make it literally mean "Peace on Earth"), but I don't think he promotes the wars either.
3. I think that Tara and his daughter will accompany him to Asia to be with him and help him build the schools. (For moral support)
I believe that Mortenson decided on this image for the Christmas card to show everyone back home what life was like.
I think that the caption used for this image was appropriate, as Greg is a peaceful man, whom wants nothing more than the end of violence and the beginning of education.
Kill Crazy Rampage...of REVENGE.
I think they picked that photo for their Christmas card to get some laughs out of it. It's a little ironic and not really serious so it works.
The caption is good i guess because it wouldn't offend anyone or their beliefs.
Its nice and it shows that Mortenson wants people to be happy, hence the, "peace on earth" caption.
I think that the family will keep building schools and that some kind of conflict will arise.
1) I think that Mortenson choose this picture because it shows the situation in which they live. They are surrounded by soldiers who are always holding guns and regulating where people can and can’t go. I think he’s using it a symbol that sometimes you have to live in violence when trying to create peace. I also think its part of Mortenson’s sense of humor to be ironic like that with the caption.
2) Yes, I do believe that “Peace on Earth” meshes with what Mortenson believes, he is trying to build a school, I think the only reason he made it an ironic statement is because it’s just funny. It’s not like he thinks that you need violence to accomplish peace.
3) I think that Mortenson will stay after the school is finished. In the picture it looks like his family is pretty settled with the culture, and like they don’t plan on moving anytime soon.
I think that the Mortenson Family used this picture as their Christmas picture to show family and friends kind of a backround of Pakistan and the Khyber pass. I also think that they were trying to show them what Greg's life style had been like living in Pakistan and helping the village.
I think that the interpretation of this picture is just trying to say that Pakistan is a beautiful place,but alot of they protection has to be provided by themselves.
I think that one of the family members will become offended or fear for the Mortensons.
I think they did this because it is out of the ordinary when people see this and they know what kind of people they are it gives you a sense of mixed emotions you dont know what to feels you want to laugh and you also want to know why they choose this. And the caption of "Peace on earth" contradicts what they are doing or maybe in the part of the world they are that is the norm and the only way to achieve peace is with guns and violence. Maybe later on in the family will visit a village and be caught in the cross fire of bullets
What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
Because it is funny and it tells of the situations of violence that the Mortensons see in Pakistan and how they are trying to promote peace and make it so people will not have to weald AK47s.
Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
The Mortensons are trying to promote peace by building schools; I think the guns were put in the picture to give a visual of the country they are in, not to promote violence.
Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next
The Mortensons will continue to build schools and promote peace.
I believe the reason that they chose this picture for the Christmas card is because, it shows that even though what is happening to them or around them, they can still be happy.
The caption does not mess with my interpretation on who they are, or what they believe in, because I had not read the book, and don't know what it is they do believe.
I predict that a little after the photo was taken, it will be just another day in life where ever they are currently at.
Why do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
Christmas cards usually depict the best part of a persons year, or are sent out to update people on what the family has been up to, how they have changed, etc.
In this case, Mortenson and his family have been living in Pakistan where gunfire is not a foreign thing. Pakistan is a HUGE part of their lives right now and to not include these sort of things would be almost lying...because they aren't living peacefully.
Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
The guns don't represent peace in my mind...but it's almost like he is saying you have to go through gunfire to get to peace.
Or, you have to build a bridge to get to the school.
Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
I feel as though Mortenson and his family may have to soon use protection from attacks. Whether it be on them, on the school, on their friends, etc.
1. I think they just picked to do their Christmas picture like this because they thought it would be funny and as you can see it was.
2. Yes I think it does because he is helping people from a different race build a school.
3. I think they will talk about what their families will think after seeing the picture.
I think that sent this picture because they wanted Americans to know that even though their in a desenrted place that,dosn't mean that they cant live happy.
The phrase that the book uses is good because it fits him and what he beleaves in, because he is tryin to help the kids in korphe and make a diffrence.
I think that Greg is going to get hert because people from the other tribes dont want Greg building a school
1. Well, its a cool family picture and it shows the beauty of pakistan, which Mortenson loves and I am sure that his wife does too.
2. Im not quite positive I think it means partially that he wants peace on earth. I don't think it really states who he believes in because I'm not sure that Mortenson really has a religion but I guess it does kind of show that he believes in peace on earth.
3.It looks like they are going to continue to help people but that perhaps things are getting worse with the Taliban or the violence level in Pakistan.
I believe that Mortenson and his wife picked this picture for their Christmas card because it's ironic, being in Pakistan there really is no 'peace'. In the middle east, it's all about violence and you rarely see any sign or presentiment of peace.
The caption 'Peace on Earth' definately fits the perception I had for Mortenson. He is all about making the lives of the children in Korphe better in the way of education, so far. The caption is the real message, the picture is just a symbol for being in Pakistan. You know what they say, when in Rome, or in this case Pakistan.
I predict from looking at the picture that it might send a ripple effect to America about what's going on in Pakistan. That for who get the card they will see the realism in what Mortenson is trying to do and what's happening in another part of the world.
1. The picture is ironic. They are saying “peace on earth” while holding the very weapon that helps a lot with war.
2. The “peace on earth” does go with what I think Greg believes in. he is a good guy, who is trying to help people.
3. he will meet his wife, and they will have a kid, then the attack on the world trade center will occur.
I believe that Mortenson and his wife picked this picture for their Christmas card because it's ironic, being in Pakistan there really is no 'peace'. In the middle east, it's all about violence and you rarely see any sign or presentiment of peace.
The caption 'Peace on Earth' definately fits the perception I had for Mortenson. He is all about making the lives of the children in Korphe better in the way of education, so far. The caption is the real message, the picture is just a symbol for being in Pakistan. You know what they say, when in Rome, or in this case Pakistan.
I predict from looking at the picture that it might send a ripple effect to America about what's going on in Pakistan. That for who get the card they will see the realism in what Mortenson is trying to do and what's happening in another part of the world.
What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
I think they picked this picture for their Christmas card because it is irony mixed in with emotion.
Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
I think that the Peace on Earth meshes pretty well with what he believes in. Building a school is trying to create Peace on Earth.
Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
I think that Tara will go with Greg to Pakistan and help build the school with Greg, and maybe when she gets a little older Amira will help her two parents in creating the school also.
Using the image of the Mortenson's from their family Christmas card, answer the following:
-What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
-I think that the Mortenson family chose this picture for their Christmas card because, they kind of want too show the other side of the world and how the country is not very protective. It kind of shows that you have to protect yourself with weapons.
-Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
-I think that they caption kind of is a joke for this picture because you can tell that there is really no peace in this country. But I don’t think it reflects anything of what Mortenson believes in.
-Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
-I think that his family will go back to America and he will stay there to help. He wouldn’t want his family in danger.
I think that the picture says a lot. I think they are possibly making references to the first attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993.
It seems like they are trying to use irony in a funny way. I don't think it is particularly funny, but everyone has a different sense of what is funny and what is not.
I think that the caption agrees with what he believes, but the picture is contradictory.
I think what will happen next is that he will continue on his journey to educate the children of Pakistan. He believes that peace is the way to win the hearts of the people.
I think they chose this picture because it shows how tough you haver to be to live there. Its also very ironic because they are holding guns while smiling and saying peace on earth. I think that the caption "Peace on Earth" does mesh with Mortesons interpretation of beliefs. He is awyas trying to do everything he can for other people, and he is always puting him self last.
I predict that his wife is going to get kidnaped becuase it is so dangerous there and it seems like because they are such good people that something bad is going to happen to them.
I believe that the Mortenson family used this picture for their Christmas card because they want to show their family and friends that over there, it isn’t as pretty as over here. They want to convey to them the importance of security and enforcement on the people, and that is the only way that there will be peace. The caption that they used “Peace on Earth” meshes with my interpretation of the Christmas card very well. It tells the story of how the Mortenson family really cares about these people and they want to make sure that proper measures are taken for the safety of this community. With the Mortenson family so united in their beliefs to help build schools in communities, I think their future looks very bright. I believe that many good things will come out of their determination to help.
- They probably were just trying to be funny. I’m not sure what hidden meaning this picture is portraying that is if there even is one.
- I think that the caption does go with what Mortenson believes but I don’t think that the picture really goes with the caption. They’re smiling but they’re holding guns, I don’t see how that relates. Mortenson does higly support peace because if he didn’t, he probably wouldn’t want to build schools for less fortunate children across the world. Just look at the way Mortenson was raised, He grew up watching his parents perform loving service in Africa, Building schools, and hospitals. Peace and Service, It runs in the family. Another example that shows Mortensons peace seeking motives is when Haji Mehdi and some men came to demand 12 rams in order for Korphe to be able to keep the school. Haji Ali gives the rams without question and Mortenson, instead of being mad learned a valuable lesson of sacrifice and gained a lot respect for Haji Ali.
- The only thing I can think of that will happen next based on the picture is that Mortenson will make it home to witness his child being born and that Tara probably will move to Pakistan with Greg to support him in his efforts towards building schools for poor children.
Using the image of the Mortenson's from their family Christmas card, answer the following:
• What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card?
o As an interesting greeting and an ironic joke on what is currently happening
• Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in?
o His goal is to have the school built and the bridge as well hoping it will form a bond with different countries so I guess yes.
• Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next.
o A small portion of the war will come.
1. I think that the Mortensons made this their Christmas card because, they wanted to show their respect to the Pakistanis by holding their type of gun. It shows that they are fully devoted to the people in Pakistan and almost like they have become one of them and realize what they are going through and they continue to help the little children there to get a good education that has been lacking in that country.
2. I believe that the Mortensons do promote peace. I can attest to that because of his actions toward the rest of the world. He is bettering the world and also Pakistan. For kids to have a school in Pakistan is a huge blessing for them. From just that example there I know that Greg Mortenson and his family do try to create peace and to help out their fellow people. If that is the case it doesn’t make sense to me why they are holding guns. You would think that they should be holding something a little more peaceful than a gun, but maybe them holding the guns is a sign of respect to the people in Pakistan because they are holding guns that would be used over their. I think that them holding their guns shows that they are with the people in Pakistan and support them.
3. I think that after the Mortensons send this Christmas card to everyone they are going to receive a lot of money from people they sent it to. The money will then go toward building even more schools and changing the world and Pakistan at even a greater level.
I believe that they chose this picture to put on their Christmas Card, because it shows people that they are enjoying their time even though they have to protect themselves everyday. I think that another reason they chose this picture to show people what their life is like without having to use words to explain it.
I think that they chose "peace on earth' for the irony. Also to show that it will be hard but maybe one day their will be peace on earth.
I think that it shows a threat that will be coming to the little village.
I think the Mortenson's made this selection for the Christmas card because although they believe in Peace on Earth, their is war going on in Pakistan and in the village of Warizistan they must protect themselves. I think they are happy because they will be helping the village.
The caption Peace on Earth agrees with Mortensons beliefs.
I predict that after the birth of Mortensons son he will bring his family to Warizstan and build a school there.
1.I think they chose this picture because in Pakistan it is customary that people own guns to protect there homes.
2.Yes, Mortenson is trying to bring peace to the villages and show Pakistani people that not all Americans are bad. He went through a lot to show that not all Americans are the same.
3. They seem to be happy now, I think that Mortenson and his wife will raise there child as best they can while battling living in a foreign country.
1. I think they chose this picture for their christmas card because they want their family to know what is going on over in Pakistan. Because what he went through when he was kidnapped, to the war, it is almost mandatory that they have AK-47's.
2. I believe that they use this caption just to be funny, and how ironic it is to have AK-47's in a christmas picture saying peace on earth, knowing their is a war between America and Iraq.
3. I think that Mortenson will be released and will head straight home to his wife Tara so he will be there for the birth of his baby girl. Maybe he will stay in America for a while to be with his baby, then he will probably take his whole family to Pakistan so they can see what he is doing to help the people of Pakistan.
1. I am not exactly sure why the Mortenson family picked this picture for their Christmas card. Maybe to let people know that even though they are living in a dangerous place they are still happy because they are doing good for the people.
2. I think the title "Peace on Earth" suits Mortensons beliefs because in previous sections of the book Mortenson has always portrayed a peaceful man. For example, he tried his hardest not to shoot at others while serving in the war (pg. 41) and he has done so much for the people of Pakistan. However, the image seems to contradict the title and his believes because he is smiling while holding huge guns.
3. I predict that Mortenson's wife will be in Pakistan more often helping Mortenson build schools because she is in the picture. I also think that Mortenson will come across more violent situations because he is holding huge guns.
I think that the reason they chose such a war like photo and with peace like text is because where they are at it is an everyday thing to have the need to carry a gun in Pakistan where as in America hardly anyone HAS TO carry a gun for protection. I think that they did this to show their American family and friends, what they have taken advantage of and the freedoms of being in America and being away from war.
So far in the book I haven’t read about an opinion that Mortenson has about the war and what he believes in. In my opinion since he is a really decent guy, he likes the idea of peace and wishes it upon the world.
Well, since he is now married, I’m guessing that she might come with him to Pakistan and maybe help him out and be his support.
1.Well i think they picked this card becasue they wanted people to know how dangerouse it is over there and they need those guns for protection over themselves.
2.I really dont think that the "peace on earth " has anything to do with becuase the mortenson family respect the muslim religion but dont practice it .
3.Well in the picture maybe they are being followed by people who might try to harm the mortenson family so they are caring those guns along just in case .
I think that the Christmas card is saying that peace on earth is what we all strive for. Sometimes the only way to have peace is to make war.
Yes, I believe that Mortenson believes in world peace, but I also believe that he realizes the cost of peace in that part of the world. Like in on one of is trips when he was captured by the Taliban and was held prisoner for 8 days. Then he was treated to a party and let go because they thought his intensions were good.
I have a feeling that he now will be helping the children of the war based tribes in Pakistan.
1. I believe they chose this picture which they wanted it to be ironic when compared to the title. The title states "peace on earth", however how is peace supposed to be established if people need the use of guns. I think that they are making fun of the idea of "peace on earth" and are trying to project the idea that peace can not be established if countries are consistently at war with each other.
2. I believe the caption does mesh well with who Mortenson is and what he believes in. He is attempting to spread the idea of peace on earth by helping other's in need by building schools throughout the middle east region of the world.
3. I think that Mortenson is going to remain in Pakistan and raise his family. While attempting to establish peace and build schools for this unfortunate region of the world.
I think that they chose this picture, because it conveys what they have done and who they are in the world.
The caption doe not mesh with my interpretation of who i think he is. I predict that there will be some sort of hostility in the village and his family will have to protect themselves.
1. I think that the Mortenson's family used the AK-47’s in their Christmas card to make a joke, also to show that there is peace behind guns, and what might be the going on in Pakistan at that moment. Plus it was ironic.
2. I think it does a little, I was a joke and he wasn’t serious.
3. Well, using an AK-47 in a picture is not going to funny in any situation, the family/friends are going to get worried.
1. I think that the Mortenson's family used the AK-47’s in their Christmas card to make a joke, also to show that there is peace behind guns, and what might be the going on in Pakistan at that moment. Plus it was ironic.
2. I think it does a little, I was a joke and he wasn’t serious.
3. Well, using an AK-47 in a picture is not going to funny in any situation, the family/friends are going to get worried.
1. Christmas cards should reflect what your family life style is. Mortenson, Tara, and the new arrival chose this Christmas card because the building of a school in Pakistan was such a big part of their lives and without it they most likely would have never met each other.
2. No, Mortenson is a kind and extremely generous man who seems to me to put everyone before him, even people he barely knew. How often would someone put their heart and soul into building a school for children in an area that needed it most? Peace on Earth is what Mortenson lives by.
3. Since Mortenson and his wife are currently living in Montana with a baby on the way and in the picture, the baby is born. I think that maybe the family may move to Pakistan based on the picture and how Mortenson obtained a steady job there.
Mortenson and his family live in the “Taliban’s backyard” during the time that the Taliban is first created. The Taliban is a militia group of very highly religious Muslims. Mortenson believes in peace. In his travels, he experiences many cultures and respects all of them.
I suppose that the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card and used the caption “Peace on Earth” because during a very difficult time in life (with the Taliban, constant gunmen, etc.), an ironic statement, such as this, would make people laugh.
As Milton Berle once said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.”
I think that the Mortenson family felt that this was the perfect statement to go along with the picture because we all need a little “vacation” time to get away from thoughts of war and violence.
1. They just wanted to show the type of culture that Pakistan had during Christmas, just the omnipresent threat of violence and war out break that was in Pakistan even throughout the Christmas season.
2. Mortenson strives to help everyone that isn’t seen as helpable. He builds schools in the most outward parts of Pakistan that most people don’t even know exist. He strives to bring peace to the most hostile and remote places on earth, so the card title is appropriate.
3. I feel that there will be a recession in the military and aggressive control throughout the Pakistan country. There will be a freedom that is granted to the people more than what they have now.
1. I believe that they picked this picture because it shows that a family can be happy in a hostil environment. Also I think that the guns simbolize that they love and protect eachother, no matter what it takes. This is a very ironic picture due to the captian "Peace on Earth" under a picture where they are carrying guns.
2.Mortenson believes in "Peace on Earth" but he knows that he lives in a gun controlled environment so he must protect himself and his family. And most the time peace cannot be solved without war.
3. I believe that the image shows that Tara delievers a healthy baby girl. Also I think that Mortenson and his family will go through some rough times through out the rest of the book.
What do you think the Mortenson family picked this for their Christmas card? becuse they are proud of their AK-47s
Does the caption they used, "Peace on Earth" mesh with your interpretation of who (and what) Mortenson believes in? It meshes with my oppion that if you what peace you need a high powerd assulat weapon.
Using the image, predict what you feel will happen next. he will meet a girl.
1. They just wanted to show the type of culture that Pakistan had during Christmas, just the omnipresent threat of violence and war out break that was in Pakistan even throughout the Christmas season.
2. Mortenson strives to help everyone that isn’t seen as helpable. He builds schools in the most outward parts of Pakistan that most people don’t even know exist. He strives to bring peace to the most hostile and remote places on earth, so the card title is appropriate.
3. I feel that there will be a recession in the military and aggressive control throughout the Pakistan country. There will be a freedom that is granted to the people more than what they have now.
1. They picked it to show irony, they gotta protect themselves when there out in the open.
2. Well he is a man of peace and he is trying to help Pakistan education by building schools, and in the end it might promote peace to the rest of the country. But the AK-47's kind of throw that caption off.
3. They'll be attacked by the Taliban on the bridge in an attempt to take over the town.
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