Nothing like a bit 'o politics to get a Wednesday started off right. Answer the following:
- Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
- What was at stake politically?
- What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
- What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
- Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
becuse it was the start of mardie graw and the day that most states hold there primerys,
What was at stake politically?
who might be the political canadates for the next election.
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
obamma was like 15+ hillary and it was close on the republican side mcain over romny
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
in my opinion the race/sex of the canadiates did not have a considarble impact on the out come yesterday however religinon was definatly a big factor on the republican side(romny) i belive there will be a democratic presedent
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
It was called super fat tuesday due to the fact that most of the states are holding there primary’s...and yes Mardi Gras started.
What was at stake politically was that the political candidates were being voted on, who would represent the Democratic and Republican candidates.
Hillary is wining over Obama, Mcain is wining on the Republican side.
it was referred as a super "duper"/ "fat" Tuesday because of 24 primary's were voting on this day and this day is one of the days to find out whom is the representatives for our country democratic and republic a like.
The economy is at stake, within an hour of voting the economy dropped stock markets by over 300 points.
Hillary ;812 delegates, 8 states Obama ;720 delegates, 13 states. Democratic party need 2,025 delegates to be a representative.
McCain ;620 delegates,12 states Huckabee ;176 delegates, 5 states
my projected opinion will be McCain and i think Obama will take it back, it is very hard to say Obama since the fact Hillary has won the delegates of California and New York. I think he will take it back in West Virgina come May.
Since America is a big republican state of being i think McCain could take the presidency.
Yesterday was called super tuesday because 24 states went to the polls to vote in the primary elections. This is big because it shows the candidates who has the lead in being elected. Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee, look to be the top for republicans, and Obama, and Hilary are top for democrats. My opinion is that i hope Mcain, or Romney win the elections, but I definitely don't want Hilary to win. I think that either Obama, or Mcain will win.
1. Yesterday was called super fat Tuesday because of Marti Gras, and Primery's for the Election was also held yesterday.
2. Yesterday delegate votes for the United States were at stake.
3. Obama has 838, Clinton has 834. Romney has 256 and McCain has 720.
4. I think that Obama won because people think that we are ready for a black president. I think that Clinton is not far behind because many people of the United States believe it must be time for a woman president.
I think that McCain is ahead of Romney because of his religion.
5. I think that the next president of the United States will be McCain because overall I think the majority of voters just aren’t ready for a woman, Mormon, or black president.
yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because of two things. The first being MARDI GRAS!!!, and the second being the day that about half the country holds presidential primaries.
The delegates were at stake for the candidates. For the democrats it was Senator Hillary Clinton with 36,757 votes(51%) and Senator Barack Obama with 33,580 votes(46%). For the republicans it was Senator John McCain with 27,504 votes(46%) and Mitt Romney with 23,143 votes(39%). My opinion is that we should not be judging these people based on race, sex, and religious beliefs. I believe that we should just look at what they can do for our country. I predict that Barack Obama will win...
1)Yesterday was called "Super Fat Tuesday" becuase it was the day when the States voted on who would be the Presidentual Candates.
2)Politicaly the canidates had being the next president at stake.
3)I think Obama won for the Dem., and I think McCain won for the Rep.
4)I don't think the race or religon should matter to much. I'm not to sure about a women leading us (no offence to the ladies).
5)I'd like to see Huckabee or Romney. Romney becuase I agree with what he's saying, Huckabee becuase he sounds more realistic.
Why was yesterday called super fat Tuesday?
Yesterday was called super fat Tuesday because, the mardie graw started and most states had their primary's.
What was at stake politically?
It was determining who might be the presidential candidates for the '08 election
What was the results of yesterday's primary's?
Obama was beating Clinton and McCain was beating Romny
Make a prediction on who will be elected in November.
I predict that McCain will be our next president.
Super Fat Tuesday is called that because it was Mardi Gras and also the time that the Presidential candidates for Democrats and Republicans would be determined in 24 states. It is their primary elections for the states.
The thing that was at stake politically was the future career of each candidate for when the elections come around. If they don't get enough support for the states, then they won't go on for the real election in November.
Democrats: Hillary Clinton- AR, AZ, CA, MA, NJ, NY, OK, TN. She has 845 delegates ~~~ Barack Obama- AK, AL, CO, CT, DE, GA, ID, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, UT. He has 765 delegates. ~~~~~~ Republicans: John McCain- AZ, CA, CT, DE, IL, MO, NJ, NY, OK. He has 913 delegates. ~~~ Mitt Romney- AK, CO, MA, MN, ND, UT. He has 269 delegates.
I think that there isn't a very high chance that Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will be President. We have never had a woman, or a black man as president, and I don't think that our country is in the equal mindset that they would allow a woman or black president. There would be many people mad at Hillary, and the KKK would probably be after Obama. BUT, I also don't think that America wants a Republican as President either. Usually, our candidates for Presidency change with the new president. We don't keep Democrats as president forever, and we don't keep Republicans as president forever. Also, Ulysess S. Grant had a presidency similar to George Bush (they are both republicans, people liked him at the beginning, he was reelected, then people got really sick of him, and didn't think he was ruling the country good) and afterwords, people turned to the opposite political party to lead their country. Therefore, people might turn to Democrats this year.
I'm am really not sure who the next president will be at all. People really seem to like Obama, but they also seem to like McCain. Since McCain is a white man, he has a better chance than a black man or white woman. Even though Obama is black, he has a better chance than a Republican.
1. Fat tuesday which is also know as mardi gras is the end of the prelenten carnival season. It is the ending celebration of the 12 days of parades and festivals
2. The possible candidates for the next election were at stake.
3. Clinton with 812, obama with 720, macain with 620, and romney with 270.
4. I think that it will be a very interesting year. The main thing is that I really hope that hillary clinton does not get elected. I think that if she is elected then things are going to go downhill really fast.
Yesterday was called "Super Fat Tuesday" because It Was the beggining of Mardie Graw and also it was the beggining of when some states hold there primerys.
2. The possible canadates for the next election.
3. The results of the election was that Obama is losing to clinton(go Obama) and McCain has a good lead over Romny.
4. I don't beleive that race or sex has anything to do with the outcome of the election. The main thing people are influenced by is what they have to say and what they "say" they will bring to the presidential spot. A Democrat is going to win the election.
5. OBAMA!!!!all the way baby!!!!
Yesterday was the start of Mardi Gras, and the day most states chose to hold their primary elections. The primaries decide the runners for the next presidential election (2016). Obama beat Clinton on the Demo side, while Mcain beat Romny on the Repu side.
Super Fat Tuesday was when both the presidential prelim's and mardi gras are happening.
What was at stake? who will be the next democratic and republican candidates for presidency
I think obama will come back after losing cali and NY to Clinton. It will be close between Obama and McCain at the end
I think Obama will be the next president of the united states. If I were registered he would get my vote.
1. It was super fat Tuesday because it was Marti Gras, and the Primaries were also held that day.
2. Delegates were at stake yesterday.
3. Obama – 838, Clinton – 834, Romney – 256, McCain – 720
4. I think that this world is restless and very open to change. That’s why I think that Obama and Clinton were the top scorers this Tuesday. I think the world, or the U.S. rather, would like to see a black man or a woman to be president as kind of an experiment to see what happens. In my own opinion I think that the presidential tradition should stay the same because it’s worked out pretty well so far. I’m definitely not racist or sexist but I’m not up for change especially politically.
5. I would like Romney to become president but I think that McCain will be elected.
1. Super Fat Tuesday was the day Mardi gras was first started.
2. The day decided who would be the political candidates for the next election.
Hilary: ~834
McCain: ~720
Romney: ~256
4. Personally I feel that Obama has a bit better chance to win because of the fact that he is male and many voters are not ready for a female president yet.
5. Obama for the reason that I have previously stated.
-Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
- Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because it’s the day that Mardi Gras starts and also the day that the political primaries start. Usually these days are not in that same week but this time it was, therefore calling it Super Fat Tuesday.
-What was at stake politically?
-The results of the Primaries and sort of a pre-vote of who may be the next president.
-What were the results of yesterday’s Super elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
Clinton at 812
Obama at 720
Edwards at 26
McCain at 620
Romney at 270
Huckabee at 176
Paul at 16
-What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
-I think that Hilary is winning because of her gender, since we have not had a woman president. Obama may be president because of race, since we have not had a black president. I also think that because of McCain’s religion, he is winning on the republicans side.
-Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday? They called it Super Fat Tuesday because Super Tuesday fell on Fat Tuesday of the Mardi Gras. Super Tuesday is when the greates number of states hold their primary election. Yesterday 24 states held their primaries. This gives a preview to see the likely candidates that are running in november.
What was at stake politically? Who will be the presidential candidates for the upcoming november elections.
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
For The Democratic party, Hillary Clinton recieved the most delegates with 630, Obama recieved 625.
For the republicans McCain recieved 604 delegates. Mitt Romney recieved 253 delegates.
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
My opinion is that the reason for Obama and Clintons race being so close is because we have never had an African American President, or a Woman President. We have a chance to make history. I believe that the eventual winner will be Obama.
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November. I think that Obama will be elected president in November because eventually Hillary support will die out. I dont think that the United States want another clinton in office.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday? Because it was when Mardi Grai and the big states like California hold their primary.
What was at stake politically? Who is in the lead to become the next canidate for President Hilary and John McCain are
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
Republician: John McCain (9) and Mitt Romney (6). Democrates Hilary (8) and Obama (13).
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc. I think that John McCain won because everyone has seen him and what he has done with his Campagne most thing did not affect the out come but one thing that might is Religion with Mitt Romney
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November. I think John McCain will be elected because of his military background and how he has changed his election
Why was yesterday called "Super Fat Tuesday"? Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday" because yesterday was "Fat Tuesday" and it is a big part of Mardi Gras and it was also "Super Tuesday" because it is the day that most states hold their Primaries and is a preview for the Nov. election. For the Demicratic party Hilary lead with 630 deligates and Obama with a very close 625. For the Republicans McCain had a dominating 604 and Romney followed with a pathetic 253.
What was at stake politically? Who will be the political candidates for the upcoming election.
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.For the Demicratic party Hilary lead with 630 deligates and Obama with a very close 625. For the Republicans McCain had a dominating 604 and Romney followed with a pathetic 253.
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November. I think that for the next presidential election it will be a very close race but i think that McCain will win the election and followed by obama and then Clinton
1. Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because it was the start of the political primaries and also the beginning of Mardi Gras.
2. The start of the primaries is the start of the race to the presidential office. It is important to the candidates because it gives them a feel of where they stand and if they are able to make it to the final two.
3. Democrats
•Clinton at 812
•Obama at 720
•Edwards at 26
•McCain at 620
•Romney at 270
•Huckabee at 176
•Paul at 16
4. I believe that at the end of the primaries we will be looking at a woman in the top two running for the presidential position. I think that Clinton will win the hearts of the woman voters and McCain will win the hearts of the Republicans. I do not believe that race truly has to do with the voting of the public, but that is just how I see it.
5. I think that Clinton will win the presidential election.
It is called Super Fat Tuesday because it was the day they started Mardi Gras and its the day primaries choose the candidates.
At stake: The candidates to get chosen for the election. They have to get the primaries to win the state.
John McCain: Republican front-runner
Romney in second.
Hillary Clinton: Democrat front-runner 834
Obama in a close second
I think it's going to be a close race between McCain and most likely Obama, or Hillary.
1. Super Tuesday is a term that refers to a day of which many primaries are held. Fat Tuesday is the day Mardi Gras is held. Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because both of these events happened at the same time.
2. Earning primary election votes for winning the ballot in the November Presidential Election was at stake politically yesterday.
3. The results for yesterdays Super Election are McCain with 720 votes and Obama with 838. Then the runner ups are Clinton with 834 and Romney with 256.
4. My opinion on the presidential election so far is surprised that the running between Obama and Clinton are so close and that McCain is winning by such a landslide. The significance of race, sex, and religious beliefs don’t seem to be affecting the voters opinions at all, which is good because those things shouldn’t matter.
5. John McCain is the person I hope to win the election. As far as making a prediction, I am not too sure at this point who the democratic nominee will be due to the outcome of how close Obama’s and Clinton’s votes are.
1. Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because the states with the biggest amount of votes basically pick a candidate to back. Normally it is just called Super Tuesday but it just happened to fall on the same day at the Catholic holiday called Fat Tuesday. Fat Tuesday for Catholics is the day before lent starts so fat Tuesday is a day they party and be bad before they give up something to show Jesus that you are thankful for the things he does or something.
2. Their votes to become president. They need states to back them in order to be the last Man or Woman standing before the last vote.
3. Obama had a total 838 votes and won the democratic vote against Clinton. McCain has a total of 720 votes and won the republic vote against Hukabee and Romney.
4. To be completely honest, it’s too bad that Richardson dropped out of the election because he was the only democrat that had a chance. Unfortunately, The world is not ready for an African American President and we are not ready to give power and respect to a woman, so if either of them are elected for president they are going to be killed within the first year or two so I pretty sure that we are going to have another republican president. I'm am definitely not okay with that but the world is not a fair place. I will cast my vote for Obama in hopes that it makes a difference.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
It's the day where many states hold their primary elections.
What was at stake politically?
The winner usually gets his/her parties presidential candidate.
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
Clinton (845)
Obama (765)
McCain (613)
Romney (269)
Huckabee (190)
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
I really don't think that Hillary would be a good president and I don't know too much about Obama. In the Democrats I think I would rather have Obama rather than Hillary though. In the Republicans I haven't watched too much but John McCain has been a big surprise to me. I didn't know who he was really until just recently and I really thought that Romney would pull it out.
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
My prediction for the next presidential election is... Barack Obama
Yesterday was called super fat tuesday because the political parties chose their primary candidates for the upcoming election. It's also the day Mardi Gras started.
They chose who would be their primary candidate in the upcoming political election.
Democrats top two candidates are Obama(838 delegates) and Clinton(834 delegates). Republicans top two candidates are Mcain(720 delegates) and Romney (256 delegates).
I think that people are looking for a change in something and that will make an impact later in the elections so therefore i think that gender and race could even play a positive role in the November election.
I believe the President in November will be Obama.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
it was Mardi Gras and the primaries choose their candidates.
What was at stake politically?
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
the top two was Obama and he had 838 delegates clinton had 834.
Republicans is John McCain and he had 720.
That Clinton is leadingfor the Democrats and McCain in the Rupublicans
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
Dosn't Mater
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
1) It’s a mix between Super Tuesday which is the primary election, and Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras.
2) The nominations could be decided out of the primary election causing of the candidates to not win the presidency.
3) Obama received 13 states, but because they were all small in the electoral votes he slightly behind Hillary. For the republicans, McClain winning 9 states has a strong lead from Romney (6 state wins) and Huckabee (4 states).
4) Republican wise I don’t really think race, sex, or religious beliefs have anything to do with winning the nomination, because the are all the same race, and sex, and I haven’t heard anything about their religions so it must not be that “hot” of a topic. For the Democrats it’s a totally different story (obviously) seeing as one of the candidates is black, and the other is a woman! I think that the fact that Obama is or was a Muslim scares some people so as to not vote for him. I also think that many people agree with me when I say Hillary is a crazy lady who shouldn’t run a country. When thinking about who might win out of them I think that Obama probably will because if you look at American’s past, black received rights waaaay before women did. I don’t feel like some of the ignorant people of American are ready to realize that a woman could run a country. I do know that there are people that don’t think a black person could run one either because they believe that blacks are “inferior”, but the fact that he is a man says that he is stronger and has more emotional control than Hillary, and I know that a lot of voter vote strictly based on their political party, and will thus vote for the “lesser of two evils”.
5) Well I think that if a democrat wins it will be Obama (read number 4 for details). If a republican wins I think it might be Huckabee, he’s been getting a lot of press and has that “religious” mentality that many American voters like. I know at this point in time he’s behind and might not get the nomination, but I’ve been hearing a lot about him and Romney. While the Republican in the lead (McClain) I haven’t heard anything about.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
• Because it was the start of the primary ballots and mardie gras
What was at stake politically?
• There are 1,681 delegates at stake for the Democrats (nominee needs 2,025) and 1,038 at stake for the Republicans (nominee needs 1,191).
What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
• Hillary Clinton went into the massive Super Tuesday contest with twice as many wins as Barack Obama and a significant lead in pledged delegates, both normal and super delegates. She came out of Super Tuesday in almost a dead heat among normal delegates, and losing more contests than she won -- but still technically leading the race.
What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
• I think over all the Democrats have a very good chance of winning over all. The fact that a black president could happen can lead to a lot or even all African Americans to vote for Obama.
• And the same about woman’s votes but I would hope who ever wins the winner would take the other as Vice pres.
1. Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
mardi gras
2. What was at stake politically?
Hew could be the presidential candidates for the upcoming election
3. What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
Clinton total 845 Tuesday 584
Obama total 765 Tuesday 569
McCain total 610 Tuesday 508
Romney total 266 Tuesday 173
4. What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
I think that Obama should have one the election for the democrats becaosue I think have a different colored person as president would be more interesting than having a white female in the Whitehouse
5. Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
I think Obama has a better chance of winning the election because of the republican like difference.
Super Fat Tuesday got it's name from the coinciding events, when states hold their primary's and it was also the start of Mardi Gras.
Politically at stake was who might be the next political candidates for the year of 2008.
Republican McCain is at top, followed by Mike Huckabee who did surprisingly well in the South.
Clinton is just ahead of Obama in the tight Democratic battle.
I have been raised in a Republican house so I think I'm more prone to say I would vote for McCain. Even though I am still to young to vote. I wouldn't mind Obama being president, I think the fact that he's black is not a big deal.
I think Obama has a good chance of making president.
1. Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday due to two certain events that took place on this day. One such event was called Mardi Gras, the infamous New Orleans holiday. Also there was the series of national primaries that helped gain delegate votes for the two parties and their candidates.
2. Delegate votes of course. The only reason these candidates care so much about the results of the primaries is that they need to become the next name on the National election ballot that will be voted on.
3. As it stands now, John McCain is the current leader for the Republican nominee with a total of 720 votes, followed behind by Mitt Romney with a total of 256 votes. The Democratic candidates are in a close race with Barrack Obama in the lead with 838 votes, and Clinton right on his tail with four less votes at 834. It’s going be close.
4. The fact that the two major candidates for the Democratic party, having their race or sex never before in the history of America been elected as the President of the United States is probably the most predominant point in the election of 2008. Because of their popularity they have a good chance of becoming the first of their race or gender to become president.
5. The Democratic candidates are too close to call at this point, but I would say that Hillary Clinton has a good chance of becoming the next President. In the Republican party, John McCain has the greatest potential to become the next president, even over the Democratic candidates.
1.It is called super fat tuesday because it is the inertwining of super tuesday in reference to the presidential elections and fat tuesday a Chathlic holiday. super tuesday is the day most of the states held their primary.
2. the nomination of the canidates in their respective conventions and getting their party nomination.
3. Democratic nomination there was Hilary clinton with 834 Obama 838
Reblican is Mccain 720 Romney 256
4. I think that Obama winning in the Democratic side of super tuesday. I think that he won because this year he is going to get alot of the different race's vote because he is black. The different races are going to go out and vote this year in recored numbers because of the economy and what is going on in our goverment right now. I also belive that his polotics are in the intermediate rage between libral and conservitive. Macain has won the on the Republican side because of the same reason he is in the middle between the librals and the conservatives. I think Macain is going to win.
Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday because both Fat Tuesday and Super Tuesday fell on the same day. Fat Tuesday is the first day of Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Super Tuesday is when the largest number of U.S. States hold primary elections and candidates running for presidency from each party are narrowed down.
What was at stake politically?
Yesterday was a huge step to narrowing down candidates from each party. Over half of the country held elections (24 states), so it was extremely important to do well politically yesterday.
Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
McCain 680, Romney 270,
Obama 635, Clinton 630
I think that it is interesting how different the democratic candidates are from the "usual" candidates. If elected, they will be "firsts", Clinton being a woman and Obama being African American. I think that it is a good thing that there is a lot of varity between all of the candidates. I think that if America wants a lot of change they should vote for Obama or Clinton, and if not they should vote for McCain or Romney.
I think that both McCain and Obama
have a good chance of winning but I think that Obama will win because people want a change.
This years fat Tuesday fell on super Tuesday making it Super Fat Tuesday. This is the day that more than 20 states vote for Tuesdays virtual naional Primary. Deciding who will be the canidates for the next election is what is politically at stake. The results for yesterdays super elections where John McCain with 683 delegegates, and Mike Huckabee with 133 delegates, at the top for reublicans. Then Obama with 392 delegate, and Hilary with 447 delegates, are top for democrats. I beleive that the race and sex was not a negative influence on this eleciton. I beleive that religion and experience was. Im not sure who our next president will be but I do beleive that the president elected in November will be a Republican.
1.Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?Many States hold their primary's on the same day. Also the fact of the Mardi Gras.
2.What was at stake politically? What Candidates were going to be in the elections.
3.What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections?The candidates being voted on will be running for the elections (whoever gets the majorette of all the states.) they who would be representing the democrats and republicans.
4. What is your opinion? Well, I really don’t like any of the Candidates, but Obama and Romney seem promising if they are true to there word.
1. Yesterday was called Super Fat Tuesday in relation to Fat Tuesday being the first day of Mardi Gras, and Super Tuesday being the day the presidential primaries are held.
2. About half of the delegates to both parties will have been chosen. The country also might well have an indication of who the eventual nominee of each party. What are at stake are the top nominees for the presidential election.
3. The results for the Super Tuesday tallies were the top democratic competitor was Obama with 838 delegates, a close second for the democrats was Clinton with 834 delegates. The top republican competitor was McCain with 720 delegates; Romney came in second with 256 delegates.
4. In my opinion I believe that it was right that Obama had the greatest number of delegates. I think that it shouldn’t matter what race or sex a person is; the only thing that matters is the candidate’s policies and beliefs. The eventual winner for presidency will be the person who can help America the most, I hope.
5. I predict that the next president will be either Obama or McCain. I think that Obama might win because he is more appealing to the younger crowd and is fresh to solve America’s problems. Although McCain might win because the majority of America is republican.
1. Tuesday, February 5th was called "Super Fat Tuesday" because it marked the beginning of Mardi Gras and it was the primary election for many states. The Presidential candidates for Democrats and Republicans were determined for 24 states.
2. The thing that was politically at stake is the position of the candidates. The candidates for the election in November can be decided on this very day.
3. Republicans:
McCain - AZ, CA, CT, DE, IL, MO, NJ, NY, OK. (913 delegates)
Romney - AK, CO, MA, MN, ND, UT. (269 delegates)
Clinton - AR, AZ, CA, MA, NJ, NY, OK, TN. (845 delegates)
Obama: AK, AL, CO, CT, DE, GA, ID, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, UT. (765 delegates)
4. I personally believe that in the end the decision will between Obama and Clinton. Society may feel that our country is not doing well with a Republican in office so they will elect a Democrat to change the future of the United States. However, both candidates are unique to the history of our presidents. The United States has never elected a black individual or woman for president. Even though this will play a big role in November, I feel that the other candidates are not doing well enough to compare to Clinton and Obama.
5. I am not positive about who will win the 2008 election. However, I do feel it will be between Obama and Clinton like I stated in the previous question. I think that people will want to change, and electing a black man or white woman will definitely bring about diversity.
1. Tuesday, February 5th was called "Super Fat Tuesday" because it marked the beginning of Mardi Gras and it was the primary election for many states. The Presidential candidates for Democrats and Republicans were determined for 24 states.
2. The thing that was politically at stake is the position of the candidates. The candidates for the election in November can be decided on this very day.
3. Republicans:
McCain - AZ, CA, CT, DE, IL, MO, NJ, NY, OK. (913 delegates)
Romney - AK, CO, MA, MN, ND, UT. (269 delegates)
Clinton - AR, AZ, CA, MA, NJ, NY, OK, TN. (845 delegates)
Obama: AK, AL, CO, CT, DE, GA, ID, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, UT. (765 delegates)
4. I personally believe that in the end the decision will between Obama and Clinton. Society may feel that our country is not doing well with a Republican in office so they will elect a Democrat to change the future of the United States. However, both candidates are unique to the history of our presidents. The United States has never elected a black individual or woman for president. Even though this will play a big role in November, I feel that the other candidates are not doing well enough to compare to Clinton and Obama.
5. I am not positive about who will win the 2008 election. However, I do feel it will be between Obama and Clinton like I stated in the previous question. I think that people will want to change, and electing a black man or white woman will definitely bring about diversity.
1. Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday? It is the day of the political primaries and the beginning of the Mardi Gras happened to fall on the same day as well coincidentally.
2. What was at stake politically? Whoever will be the candidates for the upcoming presidential election.
3. What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)? For the democratic candidates, Clinton was at 812 and Obama was at 720. For republican candidates McCain was at 612 and Romney was a 270.
4. What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc. You know, its kind of hard saying who is going to win. There are a lot of interesting aspects to this years presidential election. I mean, just the fact that we have an African American and a woman running for presidential candidates is interesting as it is. And the republican McCain that is running is slightly liberal himself for a republican, so I am not sure who I am going to support or who I want to become president. And our country seems so divided right now about what we are looking for in a president and about our opinions of what changes this government should make. So I really don’t know how to even remotely predict the outcome of this presidential election.
5. Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November. As I stated in the paragraph before this, I honestly have no clue :) It is really hard to say!
1.It is called Super Fat Tuesday because Fat Tuesday is the first day of Mardi Gras. Super Tuesday is the presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which each party's presidential candidates are officially nominated.
2.The candidates that are going to stay in the election. Over half of the U.S. (24 states) held elections so you needed to do very well.
3.52 percent of all pledged Democratic Party delegates and 41 percent of the total Republican Party delegates.
Republicans-John McCain, 680 Mitt Romney, 270
Democrats- Hilary Clinton, 635 Barack Obama, 630
4.I believe that this is a very different election then normal. There being a women candidate, Hilary Clinton and an African America candidate, Barack Obama. I think that either of the Republicans will end up winning in the end because I don’t know if America is ready for a change.
5.I predict that John McCain will be elected our president in November because I don’t think America is ready for a change and Mitt Romney is not doing as well as McCain.
1.Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
Because 22 states voted in the primary elections.
2.What was at stake politically?
Was the wining of the primaries to be a candidate for the elections in November.
3.What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each political party and the number of pledged delegates each has won)?
Democrats - Clinton with 845 delegates, Obama with 765 delegates.
Republicans – McCain with 613 delegates, Romney with 269 delegates.
4.What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
I think that it depends more on issues then race or sex.
5.Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
I think the next president of the United States will be John McCain.
1. Why was yesterday called Super Fat Tuesday?
Yesterday 24 states held primary elections for both Democrats and Republicans. It was also the day of Mardi Gras.
2. What was at stake politically?
The future career of each candidate was at stake. The primaries would potentially determine if the candidates would participate in the final Presidential election held in November.
3. What were the results of yesterday's Super Elections (minimum of top two for each Democrats:
Hillary Clinton- AR, AZ, CA, MA, NJ, NY, OK, TN. (845 delegates)
Barack Obama- AK, AL, CO, CT, DE, GA, ID, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, UT. (765 delegates)
John McCain- AZ, CA, CT, DE, IL, MO, NJ, NY, OK. (913 delegates)
Mitt Romney- AK, CO, MA, MN, ND, UT. (269 delegates)
4. What is your opinion? Detailed response that could relate to: who won, the significance of race, sex or religious beliefs of the candidates, what type of president the eventual winner will be, etc.
I’m kind of worried that Hilary Clinton won the primaries. If a Democrat was to win Presidency of the United States I would definitely prefer it to be Barrack Obama. Regarding Republican primaries, I’m not surprised to see that John McCain won. I still do not know who I would vote for.
5. Make a prediction on who will be elected our next president in November.
I believe Barrack Obama will be our next president because it seems as though a lot of people are pulling for him and desire so greatly to have the first African American president.
1. First day of Mardi Graw and the day that most states have their primary's.
2. The economy was at stake as well as who would be the democratic candatate for the next election in November.
Hillary - 812 delegates, 8 states Obama - 720 delegates, 13 states.
McCain - 620 delegates,12 states Huckabee - 176 delegates, 5 states
4. Well I think the Race/Sex did matter, I mean we have a possible African American (Obama) and a Women (Hilary) that are both running for the Democratic side.
5. Now I'm Republican but I think Obama might win because hes black (African American)
It’s called super fat Tuesday because of Marti Gras, and Primary’s for the Election was also held yesterday. The delegate votes for the United States were at stake. Obama has 838, Clinton has 834. Romney has 256 and McCain has 720.
My opinion is that the reason for Obama and Clintons race being so close is because we have never had an African American President, or a Woman President. We have a chance to make history. I believe that the eventual winner will be McCain. I think that the next president of the United States will be McCain because overall I think the majority of voters just aren’t ready for a woman, or black president, and Obama is spending too much money on his campaign.
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