Among Yann Martel's gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi's perspective? Why? Show reasoning behind your answer.
How do the human beings in your world reflect the animal behavior observed by Pi?
What do Pi's strategies for dealing with Richard Parker teach us about confronting the fearsome creatures in our lives?
These Three Questions are due on Friday, May 15.
Among Yann Martel's gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi's perspective? Why? Show reasoning behind your answer.
The reason I think that Pi decide to make Hinduism orange because I believe to him it was the sun since it was the religion he started out with. Then Islam was green because it is sort of the grass in his world of religion since without the sun grass wouldn’t survive so if he never knew religion he wouldn’t be inspired to see other aspects of it. I believe that Pi would see Christianity as a blue since it is sort of the in between the sun and the earth and the religion that was inspired by his love of god from the other two religions.
How do the human beings in your world reflect the animal behavior observed by Pi.
The animals on the boat with Pi are the hyena, the zebra, orangutan and the Tiger. The Hyena would most like represent the crazy person who can’t deal with the stress of being ship wrecked and the limited amount of food and has to take his anger our on others in his case the zebra. Then Orange Juice the Orangutan is the caring compassionate person who seems to be there for Pi when he really needed it like when it seemed like the she put his arm around Pi. The Tiger is a little harder to define. Richard seems to be the mysterious one that you don’t know too much about but I do believe that he is grateful to Pi for saving his life like any person would be.
What do Pi's strategies for dealing with Richard Parker teach us about confronting the fearsome creatures in our lives?
In Chapter 57, we see Pi training Richard Parker to do random trick that can be easily done on the boat. I believe that the way he handle having a tiger on a boat with him and even trying to train him is how he has overcome his obstacle. Before he began training Richard, he was deathly afraid of him like anyone else would be. He was trying to find ways to make him get off the boat until he realized he would be lonely without him. This goes to show that no matter how scary or impossible a situation may be that you should tackle it head on to overcome your obstacles.
Among Yann Martel's gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi's perspective? Why? Show reasoning behind your answer.
Alright this one took me a while to think over, but I believe I got a good understanding of it. All religions are sort of extremes for each other which is why I believe Pi made Hinduism orange, and Islam green. I agree with Shannon on the fact that Pi made Christianity blue since it is the more moderate of the two religions.
How do the human beings in your world reflect the animal behavior observed by Pi?
The animals that are on the journey with Pi are the hyena the zebra, and the orangutan. Orange juice which is the Orangutan most likely is the caring compassionate of of the group. He seems to be the one that is always there for Pi when he needs somebody. This is proved when Orange Juice placed his arm around Pi. Now the hyena has to represent all the crazy people in the world.The one who cant admit that anything has gone wrong, and has to somehow deal with its anger. Now the tiger is the hardest one to get a reading on. For some reason Richard seems to be sort of like Old Ben Kenobi from Star Wars a New Hope. There has to be more to the tiger besides the silent thanks it has to Pi for saving his life.
What do Pi's strategies for dealing with Richard Parker teach us about confronting the fearsome creatures in our lives?
Like Shannon stated in chapter 57 we see Pi teaching Richard a basic trick that can be used on the boat. I believe by teaching Richard a trick Pi can work to get over the fear he received when he father showed them was vicious a tiger could be. At the start Pi wanted nothing more than to get away from Richard, but as their story went one Pi discovered that he need Richard around.
in fact Melbo pointed it out to you before you even knew what you wrote
Looking for info from JM and DK - detailed info, not deleted posts.
SP - love how you crafted your answers - you gave me some great visuals as you explained your religion color thoughts. KA - I appreciate your agreeing with SP, however I need you to expand upon your answers with greater detail. You are a strong writer, state your words.
Regarding the animals - it will be so interesting when you finish the book to go back and reread your responses - I am interested in your interpretations.
As far as meeting the challenges of tough individuals, bravo SP - remember your counsel as you go through life.
What do Pi's strategies for dealing with Richard Parker teach us about confronting the fearsome creatures in our lives?
Going into more detail for this I believe that when confronting the fearsome creatures of our lives we need to have a plan. As Pi in the book proves by thinking it over we can overcome these creatures with a clear head, and not allowing the fear we have of those creatures to cloud our judgment.
Sorry it's late. I was planning on blogging after school yesterday, but I got caught up in something and couldn't access a computer.
Pi sees Christianity as white. In chapter 21 page 79, Pi has a vision of the Virgin Mary. "She was wearing a white dress and a blue cloak". Also on page 80 Martel writes "I can well imagine an atheist's last words: 'White, white! L-L-Love! My God!'...
This could be related to the whole thing about when you're about to die they believe that people see a bright white light.
The four animals are great representations of people in our world. I'm relating these animals to school with group projects. The orangutan would represent someone who gets along with everyone. The hyena would represent someone who takes control over a group and will do anything to make him more powerful, like what we've been talking about in CSB with the types of boss you would be. The hyena would to the . The zebra is the one who would just want to survive the assignment. He would care what they do as long as they do it. He would be the one they hyena would draw power over the most. Lastly the Tiger would be the one who sits on the side lets everyone do what they do. Even thought this type of person would do what he has to no one would try to even mess with him.
The way Pi tries to tame Richard Parker I think is very effective. He is letting him know that they each have their own territory on the boat and that it's not okay to cross the line. In our own lives these "fearsome creatures" may be our bosses, teachers, or coaches. One thing that you hear a lot about is people have the fear of heights. There are things that people do to try and over come the fear of heights, like an extreme would be sky diving, but a smaller one would be like climbing a ladder.
Among Yann Martel's gifts is a rich descriptive palette. Regarding religion, he observes the green elements that represent Islam and the orange tones of Hinduism. What color would Christianity be, according to Pi's perspective? Why? Show reasoning behind your answer. I think that Pi's perspective on the color of Christianity is white because he imagines an atheists last words are white white. I think that the atheist last words are white because people always say stray from the white light at the end of the tunnel.
How do the human beings in your world reflect the animal behavior observed by Pi?
The four animals in the life boat along with Pi are Richard Parker the tiger, Orange Juice the Orangutan, The hyena, and last but not least the Zebra. From Pi's perspective the hyena seems like a thug on drugs who has run out and is going crazy from the withdrawal. Orange Juice seems like she would like a caring grandmother who is strong willed and shows emotions like caring for Pi. Richard Parker seems like a high end business man because its always unexpected to what he will do next and when. Richard seems to get cranky parts of the time from lack of food just like a business person would from stress.
The Zebra reminds me of a handicapped kid because they are always getting picked on no matter what they do. The Zebra was constantly picked on by the hyena and the zebra could not do anything because it had a bad leg.
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