1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Greg's words insinuate that he has never thought of Pakistan as an actual country, as his only focus previous had been on K2 and the village of Korphe.
Changazi started life in this book as an enemy, but his concern for the children of his village indicates that Greg will end up building a
I believe he was unaccustomed to eating these parts of an animal, but was trying to be as respectful as a man driven to the edge can be.
A means of transversing the river with supplies for the school before the school could be built.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
2. The reason for this is because to him it looked like they where still organizing everything to actually became their own country
3. He seams to be an organized and well built person and I think he will remain the same throughout the book
4. I think this means that people have gotten so used to him that they don’t even notice when he does something different
5. Maybe the river is very strong and he must get the strength off crossing the river.
CH7 overview: Greg's trip on the KKH. Members of the Taliban hold up traffic from going over a bridge (78-79). Arrives at Skardu.
Q/A: I think Greg's comment meant that Pakitstans governtment had little real power over many areas of the country. He said this when there was Pakistani soldiers that were trying to get the taliban guys to leave the bridge.
Ch8 Overview: Greg goes to Changazi for help in shipping the school supplies, stores them at his "office". Greg goes to Khane and almost loses his school to the village (86-94). Arrives at Korphe. Learns he needs a bidge (97).
Q/A: I think Changzi will be helpful to greg now that Changzi didn't steal the school.
2) When Greg didn't eat the Kidney i think he was showing that he wasn't happy with what was going on becuase the Kidney was "the choicest morsal" (89), and by not eating it could affend his hosts.
3)Haji Ali's comment meant that before Greg could build the school (a task like climbing k2), he must first get across the river (like getting to the mountain before you can climb it.)
CH9 Overview: Greg gets back to America. Gets dumped. Gets fired. Goes over all the things he needs to bulid the bridge(103-4). Gets mugged for two dollars. Lou Reichardt helps him get back on track and get's funding for bridge from Hoerni (106-7)
CH10: not finished reading
1. Chapter 7- In this chapter, Mortenson travels through the point in his life where he is receiving and checking off the list of the tools and wood for the house up to the point where he arrives in Skardu.
Chapter 8- This chapter goes through the time he spends in Skardu and Khane (where they think the school is for their village) up to the point where he finds out that Korphe needs a bridge before they can build the school.
Chapter 9- In this chapter, he goes back to San Francisco, and Marina tells him that she is back with her old boyfriend. He then loses his job, and has to find another one. After a talk with a man named Reichardt, he decides to call Hoerni again and ask for more money for the bridge.
Chapter 10- In this chapter, they build the bridge and then discuss when to build the school.
2. C7 - page 79 – I think that when he said that, he meant that they don’t act as a country. Their country is split up into a whole bunch of tiny villages (such as Korphe, Skardu, Khane) and they don’t really have contact with the other villages. I think he means that it’s an idea because he doesn’t think that the country operates like a country. On this page, he talks about a few people from high up on the mountain who were blocking the bridge, and a few others from lowland Pakistan negotiated with them. He was seeing these people that were from the same country that didn’t look anything alike, and they spoke in different languages.
3. C8 – I think he will be a traitor and a coward. When the guys from Khane were talking about the school being for them, and what type of school it will be, Changazi didn’t bother to mention that the school was for Korphe (Even though he knew). I also thought it was kind of weird that he moved all of the supplies to a “safer place” and never bothered to tell Mortenson where they were (even when he asked), even though Mortenson was really worried about them.
4. C8 - page 90 – The kidney is the most “important” part of the meat, and by pushing it to the side of the plate, he was making a statement that he wanted to be heard. If they had seen that he had done that, they would have been really confused and asked him why he did that. He was trying to get their attention to tell them that the school wasn’t for them.
5. C8 - page 97 – I think he means that the ibex has to take life one step at a time. If he can’t cross the river, he can’t get to K2 to climb it. He was using this scenario as a metaphor for the school. Before they can build the school for Korphe, they need to have a way to get across the bridge.
6. C10 – Mortenson wanted McCown to act like a big boss from America because he wanted the people of Korphe to know that other people from America cared about them. If it had been Mortenson all by himself, the people of Korphe would have thought that the rest of America didn’t really care about their school or country.
1. Chapter 7: Mortenson has finished buying all of his materials for the school, and is heading to Korphe to announce his achievement and start building the school.
Chapter 8: Mortenson travels to Korphe and finds that many other towns want to have his school. When Mortenson finally arrives at Korphe he finds out that he must build a bridge before he can build a school.
Chapter 9: Mortenson flies back home even though he wasn’t able to build the bridge, he feels like a failure and then his girlfriend dumps him and he loses his job.
Chapter 10: After Mortenson receives more money from Hoerni he starts to buy and build the bridge.
2. C7 - page 79 - Mortenson can see the Pakistani people being stopped by their own government, If Pakistan were really a country they wouldn’t withhold their citizens from passing on the bridge. A country tries to work together with its people not trick them. Pakistan must just be an idea of the people. It’s just like the schools, if the government promised schools then why haven’t they received anything at all? Seems more like a bad friend than a government.
3. C8 - I think he will be a good friend, but might leave the picture. I don’t think he is going to want to stick around. I’m pretty sure he will stay loyal and not mess anything up because of how helpful he has been so far. He knows everyone in town and let Mortenson call up people he knew could be helpful. Also Changazi used to be a police man, I’m not sure if their police are really reliable because I don’t know that section of the world that well, but I was raised to trust an officer. Why would someone so trustworthy act disloyal?
4. C8 - page 90 -The Kidney is basically the “best part” of the whole soup according to the people of Pakistan, and in Pakistani culture if you deny or waste food that is offered to you it is considered very rude. I think that when Mortenson wasted the Kidney he was trying to show the men how rude they were being. It was very stupid of them to fight over something that they don’t really know a lot about. When the men didn’t notice the uneaten Kidney it just showed how rude the men were being, because in Pakistani culture the guest is the most important person in the house, and their guest was being totally ignored.
5. C8 - page 97 - The “climb to K2” is like a symbol for the school, because it is something that is very hard to achieve and takes time and many precautions. The “river crossing” represents the bridge because you have to cross over the huge gap between villages to bring the school materials. So Haji Ali is basically saying that they have to build a bridge in order to build a school.
6. C10 - Mortenson wanted the village of Korphe to think that America wanted to help them, that it wasn’t just himself. Mortenson is basically saving America’s reputation.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
In chapter 7 Greg has all his school supplies and is riding on a truck to take his supplies to Korphe. In chapter 8 Greg arrives at a town before Korphe and he meets meets changazi and two men who were on the k2 climb with him. They each take him to their village because they want him to build a school for them,Greg gets mad and finally makes Changazi take him to Korphe. Once there the people and Haji Ali tell him what they need really is a bridge first.
Greg returns home to get more money and was dumped by his girlfriend.
In chapter 9 he returns and asks what they'll need for the bridge.He goes back to america to start saving money to go back to build the bridge. Mcown gives him the money to build it and Greg goes back to Pakistan. In chapter 10 he buys the supplies for the bridge, and they have to carry it up the trail to Korphe because of a rock slide.
Well he says that because there are people in Pakistan but the government isn't trying to move forward there, they just keep the money, for example the Gov. promised schools to the Balti but they never got built, so he thinks that Pakistan is an Idea in the since of it could be a country but it is not united its all seperated apart.
I think Changazi is kind of a sleaze bag, and that he will turn out to be a sly little cheat.
Haji ali says this because the Ibex can't get to the mountain wthout crossing the river, and they cant build a school without having a bridge to get the supplies to the otherside.
Greg had mcown act like a boss to make the people think that he had people bigger and of higher status than him. He wanted to look more like their class.
Ch 7
In this chapter he is beginning to try to act more like a Pakistani and he has learned to pray to Mecca and give thanks the way the Pakistani do. For this he is a little bit more respected.
Ch 8
Most of this chapter is about how Mortenson is chatting with Changazi about the school and Changazi is rather disgusted at Greg’s appearance.
Ch 9
This is a very sad chapter. The story tells tales of his journey home and when he gets there his first stop is at Marina’s house and she brakes up with him for someone else (the ultimate diss) and now he id heart broken.
Ch 10
This chapter is about the difficulties of building a bridge to carry the things needed to build the school. Mortenson is learning even more about the Pakistani customs and such.
2. I think that this means that he is realizing that building a school in Korphe is not doing to be as easy as he thought it would be. He is experiencing the reality of the weights in the world.
3. In the beginning he seemed to put out the persona that he was against the whole idea, shown with his attitude and such. Later in the chapter and story he seems to let down his guard and lets his true personality come out. I think he will be a major part in this book as an ally.
4. I think that although they were arguing, his choosing not to eat the kidney was purely out of choice, and the fact that he probably never had it before and didn’t want to try it. I think that if he was trying to make a statement he would have wanted someone to notice it or he would have made the action of pushing it aside bigger and more noticeable.
5. I think he is making an analogy like; you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I think he is trying to tell him that there are many steps to take before you get your finished product, and trying to tell him not to get ahead of himself.
6. I’m guessing to get out of the satiation he was in. he probably would have been killed! He stumbled upon a huge smuggling operation and just from what I have heard those guys can be pretty brutal.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
Chapter 7
In Chapter 7
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think that Changazi is some what of a sneaky man. Without Mortenson's permission, Changazi moved the supplies for the school. "First thing. Where are all my school supplies? I don't see them anywhere." Mortenson said.
Changazi replied "I had them shifted to my other office." (pg. 91) Mortenson may not trust Changazi after this. But Changazi is helping Mortenson out a lot. He may have been sneaky moving the supplies to his other office without asking but i think that Changazi is doing it for Mortenson's best interest.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
1. C7 - Mortenson’s supplies for the school were loaded on a truck. He and a crew, to help unload supplies, drove there way to Skardu where he would “jeep” the rest of the way to Korphe.
C8 – Mortenson’s supplies were stored in Changazi’s office. Mortenson drove to Korphe. He was greeted with a feast. Men argued over Mortensons school. Mortenson finds out that a bridge needs to be built before the school.
C9 – Mortenson recalls being dumped by Marina. The bridge. Mortenson has a mental breakdown and is helped through it by a friend named Riechardt. Greg calls Heorni once again for the bridge.
C10 – Heorni donates an additional $10,000 for the bridge. Mortenson and Korphe men went hunting for Ibex. Supplies were ordered. Twaha and Mortenson talk about women. The bridge is completed by Haji Ali.
2. I think that Mortenson says this because of the horrible shape the country is in. The men blocking the bridge to Dasu with rocket launchers kind of reveal the bad shape the country is in. Peace is scarce.
3. Changazi seems to be acting kind of suspicious. He offers one of his offices for Mortenson’s supplies, and then moves them to another office with out him knowing. He seems to try avoiding letting Mortenson see the supplies. I think that He will kind of be traitor to Mortenson later on based on these incidents.
4. I think that Mortenson action of pushing the kidney aside was kind of like a disrespect thing, because he was getting frustrated with all the arguments over him. That is why he eventually just got up and ran somewhere and cried.
5. Haji Ali was using it as a parable type thing to get the point across, to Mortenson, that a bridge needed to be built so that supplies for the school could be brought across and assembled.
6. Mortenson had McCown be the big boss to make the workers feel important and to motivate them to complete the bridge quickly.
11. Chapter 7- He is going though all the items and checking them off for what he will need for the house and school.
Chapter 8- He finds out there is no bridge for the supplies to get to the village.
Chapter 9- He needs a new job and travels back to San Francisco.
Chapter 10- They go over the after math of the built bridge and plan out when to start construction to the school.
2. C7 - page 79- he thought of this country as in idea rather than a country because of the fact there were hardly any organization in witch government and leadership take care of its country.
3. C8 – He seems to be very stable and will remain organized with his ideas and opinions throughout the book.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." I believe that the village and community have expected him in the colony to not notice the differences from him to them.
5. C8 - page 97 - "Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
He finds out about the no bridge situation and learns he needs to build one to get the supplies to the school.
1. Ch. 7: Mortenson starts his journey to Korphe with all of the materials needed to build the school. Along the way they were stopped by the Taliban, who were blocking traffic from crossing the bridge.
Ch. 8: Mortenson visits the villages of Skardu and Khane, where the people think Mortenson is going to build a school for them. Towards the end of the chapter, Mortenson learns that he needs to build a bridge before he can build the school.
Ch. 9: Mortenson returns to San Fransisco to find out that Marina had starting dating her ex, Mario. Mortensons is also fired from his job and is obligated to find a new one. However, Mortenson was able to contact Hoerni and received another check that would pay for the bridge.
Ch. 10: Throughout this chapter, the bridge is built but the people were faced with some obstacles along the way. Also, Mortenson tries to change the reputation of America but telling the people of Korphe that many Americans want to help this village, not just Mortenson.
2. C7 - Page 79 - I think Mortenson's statement meant that even though Pakistan is a country, it doesn't act as a country. For example, a country wouldn't stop its own civilians from crossing a bridge or a government would promise a school and not build one.
3. C8 - I believe Changazi was a good friend in the beginning of the book however, I feel his reputation will change significantly. My reasoning for this is because he moved Mortenson's supplies, which were important to him, without notifying Mortenson or telling him the new location. Also, when the people of Khane assumed the school was for them, Changazi didn't bother to mention it was for the village of Korphe. By the end of the book, I believe Changazi will be Mortenson's enemy.
4. C8 - Page 90 - In Pakistan, the kidney is considered to be the best part of the meal. It is offensive and rude to push away or neglect something so important. I feel that Mortenson's action displayed his hatred for the situation and wanted the people to see his frustration. However, since the Pakistanis were so caught up in arguing, they didn't notice Mortenson's attempt to express himself.
5. C8 - Page 97 - I believe that Haji Ali statement meant that one must conquer one step at a time to be successful. Mortenson would have to build a bridge so he could then transport the materials to build the school.
6. C10 - Mortenson instructed McCown to resemble a boss from America to make the Pakistanis believe that all Americans wanted to help this poor village.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
Chapter 7
This chapter is mainly about Mortenson's journey in the Bedford with the school supplies up to Skardu. It starts with them loading all the school supplies. Along the way they come across obstacles such as waiting for the pass to open up and the natural obstacles of the road.
Chapter 8
After arriving in Skardu, Mortenson takes a long rest at Changazi's office. Changanzi had previously helped Mortenson when he attpemted to climb K2. When Mortenson arose, Akhmalu, the cook from his K2 expedition was with Changazi. They all ended up traveling to Khane village, where Mortenson was told that he said he was going to build them a school! Changazi ends up trying to get Mortenson to build him school for his village too!
Chapter 9
In this chapter, Mortenson arrives back in San Francisco only to find that his girlfriend, Marina, has left him for her ex-boyfrend. He is back in San Francisco because the people of Korphe need a bridge to be built first before the school.
Chapter 10
This chapter is mainly about getting supplies and building the bridge. While doing so, Mortenson meets another American, McCown, who helps him change the Pakistanis' opinion of Americans.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
I think that Mortenson is implying that Pakistan is not very unified or under control.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think that Changazi is a very deceiving person. He acts like he is helping Mortenson with no strings attached but he is kind of tricking Mortenson into getting a school where he lived. When Mortenson said that Changazi was an operator in every sense but he didn't know it at the time (pg. 84) that might be foreshadowing that Changazi might be up to some more shady business.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
In Pakistan it is rude to not eat everything you are given, but people were so caught up in arguing over who should get the school that they weren't even noticing Mortenson, who was the one building the school. They weren't paying enough attention to him to respect his wishes.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
He means that in order to build a school a bridge would need to be built first. It would be to difficult, near to impossible, to build a school without having a bridge first.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Mortenson felt as though he was working by himself and he didn't want the Paksitanis to feel like he was the only American that would help them. He wanted them to feel that there were other Americans concerned about them too. (pg. 123)
Chapter 7
They unloaded some stuff from a truck bed. Morteson got woken by a rooster. Interigator say America number one. “hooting for happy, inshallah” .Drove over the Dasu .Lots of orchids out side of skardu.
Chapter 8
Changazi hand no idea that he was confused why the guy did not buy the supplies closer. I would think he would be familiar with the concept of outsourcing. The supplies got stolen. No jeep suspension. Guys in the back that hate each other.
Chapter 9
He got back to san Francisco. Girlfriend splits. They plan to build the bridge. He sends the guy home.
Chapter 10
200 year old church. Met the guys at the river bank. Better find a women before he is to old and fat.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
Countries are united unlike pakistan
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
A bad guy
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
He did not want to eat the nasty organ
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
It means you can’t climb what you can’t get to
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Physiological edge
Chapter 7:
Hard Way Home, is about Mortenson, Mohammed and two other assistants driving along the dangerous KKH (Karakoram Highway) to start building his school. The group experiences a few obstacles along the way including Pakistani soldiers.
2. When it says ‘Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country,’ I believe that it means that Pakistan isn’t acting as one country, it’s everyone for themselves, every village for itself. They aren’t supporting each other and working together, they are simply trying to gain power and territory.
Chapter 8:
Beaten by the Braldu, is about Mortenson meeting up with Changazi and
Akhmalu who debate over where the school should go. Mortenson finds out he need to build a bridge before building the school.
3. Changazi seems to be a good friend of Mortenson, but I believe that he will soon not be such a nice friend. This may be because Changazi wasn’t considerate in moving Mortenson’s supplies and not telling him. Changazi might be deceiving Mortenson and planning to steal his supplies. On page 84, Mortenson looks back and says, ‘Changazi is an operator,’ that may be giving hints about something that is going to happen.
4. When it says ‘Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice,’ I think that his action may have been seen as disrespectful, and that it means he might be disrespecting their culture by not eating their food.
Chapter 9:
The People Have Spoken, is about Mortenson returning to San Francisco, broke, broken down and broken. Greg finds a new job and began calling Hoerni to ask for money to build the bridge.
5. When Haji Ali says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..." I believe that he is talking about Mortenson and how he needs to build the bridge before the school.
Chapter 10:
Building Bridges is about Mortenson getting 10,000 dollars from Hoerni and beginning construction on the bridge. The bridge gets completed just before winter and decide to start building the school after the winter season.
6. Mortenson had McCown act like a big boss from America because he needed the people of Korphe to believe that Americans cared about building them a school. Mortenson wanted the Korphe villagers to know that people of America cared about their education and their country.
Chapter 7:
Mortenson, Mohammed, and two assistants begin their travels with supplies up the mountain to Korphe. They experience many difficulties with terrain and other conflicts on their way up the mountain of K2.
After being stopped on the bridge by the rebels, Mortenson realizes Pakistan is more of an idea because the country is divided into some many different groups and regions instead of being a country as a whole.
Chapter 8:
Mortenson and travel companions meet up with Changazi and Akhmalu who both develop conflicts over dinner at Akhmalu’s house about where the school should be placed. Mortenson is confused about who to trust at this point.
I think that Changazi will end up being a demanding and conniving person in Greg’s life. He seems to act like the boss of the operation throughout the book like when he moves all of Greg’s supplies to a different area without even letting him know the whereabouts of them, which was weird to me. He also tries to act like the school isn’t going to be built in Korphe and seems like he wants the school built in his village.
I think that the action and meaning of this statement has to deal with the diversity of their culture compared to the United States. If I were in Greg’s situation and knowing what the purpose of the Kidney was in our bodies I would not eat it either, but to them it’s an amazing meal.
Chapter 9:
Mortenson experiences awkward encounters with Marina when he returns to San Francisco and comes to find himself broke, without a home, or a job. He struggles to find a new place of employment and succeeds.
This brief but to the point statement Haji Ali said to Mortenson lets him know that he must first build a bridge to the school and cross it before he can actually build the final product.
Chapter 10:
Mortenson and crew begin construction of the bridge in Korphe before building the school with help of Jean Hoerni’s $10,000. They finish the bridge by winter and will begin the build the school by spring.
He wanted his crew of workers to have a boss like figure to encourage, praise, and help navigate them through the course of activities. He wanted the people of Korphe to believe that there was a bunch of people from America that were concerned about helping them, not just him.
chapter 7: During this chapter Mortenson cant go over the bridge on his way to the KKH
Chapter 8: In this chapter the bridge collapse and they need to stop the building of the school to build the bridge to get the supplies to the build site of the school.
Chapter 9: In this chapter Marina leaves Greg, he Gets fired from his job. Also he gets jumped by to kids and they get $2 from him.0
Chapter 10: Mortenson has McCown act like a big boss of America so the workers feel like they are important.
2) I think that he means that there could be alot of ideas made in pakistan and that its more than just a country.
3) I think he will stay the same as he is now.
4) His action was that he was invisible to the others, so he was trying to be noticed.
5)it means that to catch an Ibex you must be strong enough to cross a river.
6) So the workers would work faster and to show them that there are other Americans are encouraging what they are doing.
C7: In this chapter, Mortenson supervises the loading of all the materials that he purchased, and then they begin the difficult journey to Korphe.
C8: Mortenson arrives in Skardu, and unloads the materials for the school there. Then, he travels to the Khane village, where they give him a feast, believing that he is building a school for them. Then, Changazi attempts to take the materials to build a school in his own village. Finally, Mortenson gets to Korphe. There, Haji Ali says that they must first build a bridge.
C9: Marina leaves him for her old boyfriend. He gets a new job, trying to get enough money to go back to Pakistan.
C10: He gets the money he needs to build the bridge and starts getting materials. He goes hunting for ibex with some of the Korphe men. He meets McCown, and finishes the bridge.
2. Because, although Pakistan is theoretically a country, it is actually very divided, and there is always seperate factions within it that are fighting.
3. He will turn out to be a sly, and somewhat dishonest man. (p. 84 - "'Changazi is an operator, in every sense...'"
4. Even though the kidney is considered an expensive delecacy to the Pakistinians, Mortenson does not want to eat it.
5. Basically the same thing as the old American adadge: "you must learn to crawl before you can walk"
6. To show the people of Korphe that they are valued, even in other countries that they hardly know exist.
Chapter 7 – Greg has the supplies for the school and heads to town on an old Bedford truck.
Chapter 8 – Greg meets Changazi, Changazi takes him to Korphe. Changazi ends up trying to get Greg to build a school for his village too.
Chapter 9 – Greg returns home because the people in Korphe need a bridge before a school. When he arrives home, he finds out his girlfriend dumped him for her ex boyfriend.
Chapter 10 – Greg has to get all the supplies for the bridge, the chapter mostly talks about that and the small troubles along the way. Greg meets another American named McCown, who helped with the bridge.
C7 Page 79 – I think it means that Pakistan has a lot of potential, but he doesn’t know if anyone’s going to be able to provoke it.
C8 - I think he will turn out to be greedy, he thinks to much of himself.
C8 Page 90 – Respect in a way, he was served the finest piece of food on the table. He pushed it aside and ate the simplest food, rice, first.
C8 Page 97 – “sometimes you gotta crawl before you can walk”.
C10 – He wanted the Pakistani’s to believe more than one American wanted to help them.
In Chapter 7 Mortenson starts becoming more accustom to the way of the Pakistani. He makes sure he buys all of the tools he needs for the school, and he gets held up by the Taliban when going over the bridge. He arrives at Skardu.
I think Greg nver though about pakistan as a country before now, he thought of it because of K2 and Korphe only. Thoes were the ideas in his head that he wanted to acomplish and he didn't include Pakistan as being a country into that.
In Chapter 8 Changazi helps Greg with the shipment and storage of his school supplies. He is in Khane and Skardo through out the chapter and then arrives in Korphe to find that he needs to build a bridge.
I think Changazi will turn out to be a good friend to Greg.
I think Greg didn't eat the Kidney because he wanted to show them that he wasn't happy and that he wanted them to listen to him. Not eating it was disrespectful to their culture and it was sure to get their attention.
I think the Ibex used "K2" and "crossing the river" as a metepor for Greg to help him understand that he needs to take it one step at a time.
In Chapter 9 he travels back home. Marina leaves him for her ex and he loses his job, with no money to build the bridge.
In Chapter 10 mortenson acted like a big boss for America because he wanted to save America's reputation basically. He wanted it to look like America cared about them too, not just him.
1. In the first chapter Greg and his friends are attempting to climb K-2 so that Greg can place Christa's necklace of amber beads on the top the mountain at 28,267 feet. Before reaching the top the men faced severe weather that they just could not handle. So they made their way back down the mountain.
In chapter two Greg tried to find his way to Askole to find a jeep to take him 8 miles to Skardu, Baltistan's capital. When really he was informed that he was not in Askole, but he was in Korphe.
In chapter three Greg was staying in Haji Ali's house.During his stay he learned of all the pakistani ways of life. He saw how little they had and how rough life was compared to the life of Americans. At the end of the chapter Greg promises the children of Pakistan that he will build them a school.
In chapter four the author explains details about gregs family. It explains all about Gregs younger sister Christa and her disabilities. It tells about Greg father Dempsey and how he was away for months at a time recruiting funds and qualified hospital staff in Europe and America.
Chapter five is when Greg begins to write his 580 letters asking for donaitons. He asked all the big celebertys, including Opra. After 6 months only one person responded to Gregs letters and that was Tom Brokaw,who sent a check for $100. Also the Westside Elementary school started a Pennies for Pakistan drive and they raised $623.45. Then Vaughan told Greg about a man named Jean Hoerni who was interested in helping. After talking with him Jean sent a check for twelve thousand dollars.
In chapter 6 Greg is now going to Rawalpindi to stay until he can get all the supplies he needs to build the school. He stays in a small glass room on the top of the Khyaban Hotel.
In chapter 7 Greg is leaving Rawalpindi with all of his supplies in a truck, heading to Korphe to build the school.
2.I think the Morteson said that because their lifestyle is so strangly different from his that its almost like a make beleive story. He defines the pakistani men as looking like a different specie, girlishly trim with neat blue berets and ammunition belts cinched tightly about thier tiny waists.
3.I think Changazi is going to become more and more jealouse of what Greg is doing for the children of Korphe, and try to bring him down. I think this because he was trying so hard to make Greg give up on trying to get to Korphe and have him build the school for the children of his village instead.
4. I think that by not eating the kidney it is an insult to the other people because you and not suppose to waist meat.
5. He is saying that because in order for Greg to get to Korphe with all his supplies to build the school he must first build a bridge in order for him to get the supplies across the river.
7. Morteson wanted the Pakistani people to feel likle Greg wasnt the only American who cared about them so he asked McCown to walk around paying the village people that were helping build the bridge.
1. CH7 they try to get trought the brighe but its blocked by some trib,
CH8 Mortenson should of whent to Shardu to get his supplies and Janjugpa thinks that mortenson is going to build a shcool in his village.CH9 they thank mortenson for everything but they all deside that befor they can build a school they need to build a bridge first.CH10 they need more money for the bridge and they call Jean and he gives them more money to finish the job.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country."
I think that what he ment was that the contry is not united, insted its devided up in little villages and they try to get the most out of the other villages.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think that that Changizi is going to help the village of Korphe because he is or was an officer and he helped people so i think that somthing good is going to come out of him.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning. this is the part when mortenson get alitle upset with Junjungpa because he keeps insisting that Greg is going to buid a school in his village but then Changazi and him start arguing and Mortenson loses his apatite and he showes it by not eating becouse he wants to be herd.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
Its probabley just a saying that means that they need a bridge to get to their destination and without that bridge besides the fact that not many students a going to go to school its goin to be hard hor that village to do their trading.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
I suppose that Mortenson wanted the village of korphe to know that thir are people out their that are willing to help other peopl.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
• Chapter 7/ Abdul came to the door with finely polished shoes. They needed 42 items. As the stores close up a dense Abdul called out to Mortenson all 42 items as Mortenson checked them off his list.
• Chapter 8\ Mortenson was beaten in the head by a tree branch before he had time to duck. They arranged to have the school supplies shipped to Braldu Valley.
• Chapter 9\ a friend came to visit.
• Chapter 10\ Mortenson plans on building a bridge.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
• “The lowland Pakistanis who had come to negotiate with them spoke Urdu, and looked like a different species.”
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
• An Americanized neat freak.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
• He did not want the sheep kidney because it looked unappetizing.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
• Before you do big things, start small.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
• To encourage the workers.
Chapter 7
“That left him only three thousand to pay laborers, to hire jeeps to carry the school supplies up narrow tracks to Korphe…..” Pg. 72
Mortenson hired jeeps to carry supplies to the school.
Chapter 8
Mortenson arrives at korphe and founds out that he needs a bridge.
Chapter 9
Mortenson goes to America. While in America he gets mugged and fired. He figures out plans on how to build a bridge, and starts to earn money for the bridge.
Chapter 10
Heoroni donates 10,000 more dollars to build the bridge. And Haji Ali finishes building the bridge.
2. I think that Mortenson said this because it is nothing like the U.S. Packistan is really difficult to deal with.
3. I think that he is really respectful and nice but I don’t think that he will be in the book much longer. It seems like he is going to move on with his life.
4. I think that Mortenson pushed the liver on the other side of the plate because he new that it was a delicacy to the people and was trying to get the point across by being disrespectful because he didn’t like the way that they were arguing about the school and the way they were acting.
5. I think by saying this he meant to take his time and not try to do everything at one.
6. I think he did this to show the people in Pakistan what Americans are like and that they respect them.
C7- Greg is trasporting all of his lumber when he is stopped before and bridge and encounters members of the Taliban.(pg. 78-79) He arrives in Scardu. What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion. I think that this means he is having thoughts of failure and he thinks now his "idea" for the school isn't going to come true.
C8- Greg meets with Changazi so he can store all of his stuff his office. He goes to Korphe and finds out the only way that he can build the school is to also build a bridge. (97)
What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book? I think that he will be helpful put he will also be kind of a pest in pushing his point.
"Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning. I think that he was so pissed off because of the constant arguing that he didn't feel the need to eat this masn food when he was treating him with such disrespect.
What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..." I think that this means they need to be patient and take the time to build the bridge and then they can build the school.
C9- He goes back to America only to find his girlfriend has moved on, he no longer has his job and he has very little money to his name. (103) Lou Reichardt hepls him get his feet beneath him and he calls Hoerni and gets money for the bridge.
C10- Mortenson starts building his bride. He runs into an unlikely person, his friend McCown, in Pakistan. McCown pretends to be a big boss from America.
Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America? To raise the morale of the native people.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
In chapter 7 Mortenson says goodbye to Abdul and the village of Rawalpindi. He begins his long journey to Korphe with a few obstacles.
In chapter 8 Mortenson struggles with the pressure from Changzai and Akhmalu both trying to win over a school for their village. He cant wait to be in Korphe only to find out he must build a bridge.
In chapter 9 Mortenson goes back to Berkeley to raise money for a bridge so then he can build his school. He feels like a failure especially after Marina broke up with him and he was fired.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
I believe Pakistan is more of an idea because there government does not take care of their people and therefore they do not have much power over the people such as the Taliban guarding the bridge until they where recognized and accomplished what they wanted.(page 78-79)
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think although Changzai has been persistent and sneaky he has been helpful to Mortenson and will continue to be.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
I think this quote symbolizes Mortenson as the Kidney who has is mind set to build the school in Korphe and the others don’t seem to notice.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
They must build the bridge before they can build the school.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Mortenson wants the Korphe people to believe he’s not the only American that cares for the people or is willing to help them.
Chapter 7: I believe that he said what he did about Pakistan because they do not act like a country. Everyone looks different and is hostile towards one another.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
Ch.7 – mostly about the scary trek up the KKH, and a few of the things that happened along the way.
Ch.8 – Greg met Changazi and Akhmalu then they went to Akhmalu’s village, and they thought Greg had brought the school for their village. They also had a disagreement over what kind of school it was. When he made it to Korphe they said they needed a bridge first.
Ch.9 – Greg is back in America, he gets dumped by his girlfriend, then stumbles around for a while. He works on, and succeeds in getting money for the bridge.
Ch.10 – Parts of the bridge arrived in Korphe, Greg went hunting with some men from the village. Then they started building the bridge, and Greg met McCown
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
I think that the part he is talking about here is about how different the two groups are,
The Taliban looked “like untamed looking bearded men in black turbans”, while the solders looked “girlishly trim, with bright blue berets and ammunition belts cinched tightly about their tiny waists”
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
He will turn out to be a decent man, I think he looks out for himself first and for most, but he will help Greg.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
The kidney was a very good part of the meal, and the people served this to him specifically. Normally it would have been a big deal if he didn’t eat it, but they were arguing so much that no one noticed
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
He is talking about how Greg must build a bridge to Korphe before he can bring the stuff over to build the school.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Greg wanted the Pakistani workers to believe that he wasn’t the only American that cared for them.
C7- In this chapter Mortenson has purchased all of his materials and is going to Korphe to bring them the good news.
C8- Mortenson gets to Korphe, to find out that they really dont need a school right now, they need a bridge.
C9- Mortenson finally returns home to no money, no house, no job, no car, and no girlfriend.
C10- Mortenson returns to Korphe to build the bridge that will help them build the school.
2. I think when Mortenson said this, he meant that what he thought of pakistan and what he wanted as pakistan wasnt at all the reality of how the country is right now.
3. C8 - I think Changazi will be sort of a dishonest person. He will do what it takes to get what he wants.
4. C8 - page 90 - He didnt want to be treated any differently than the people from the village. If they werent gonna be able to eat it, he wasnt going to.
5. C8 - page 97 - That means that Korphe has to build a bridge in order to be able to transport the materials to build the school.
6. C10 - Because thats what the people from Korphe expected. They expected a big time american boss. So Mortenson had him act that way in order to meet the expectations of the people of Korphe.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
C7- This chapter was him buying the rest of the supplies for his school and trying to get to Korphe to build the school.
C8- This is when Mortenson is telling Changazi that he has brought the school that he promised for Korphe. But when the word got out about the school everyone was trying to get him to build the school somewhere else. (Pg.88)
C9- Mortenson has gotten back to San Francisco to make enough money for the bridge the people want before the school. Marina also broke up with him for her ex boyfriend Mario. (Pg.99)
C10- Now Mortenson and the people of Korphe are building the bridge. This is when he met George McCown who spent is 60th birthday climbing K2.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
I agree with Mortenson, I believe that Pakistan is more of an idea because the Pakistani’s think that they have this beautiful and well governed country, but it really isn’t. Even though I think that the Pakistani’s just like the idea of it because they know that they don’t that beautiful, well governed country they thought they had.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think that Changazi will still be deceiving but will still help Mortenson out with building projects for his country.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
I think that he pushed the kidney to the side because it could have represented him in the argument about the school, because he wanted to build the school in Korphe but people in neighboring towns wanted him to build the school there.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
I think that Haji Ali means that you need to learn how to do small things and build your way to do bigger and better things.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
Because he didn’t want the workers to feel like it is just him who was concerned about the people of Korphe, but other Americans want to help the people of Pakistan also.
C7 I think he means that for the first time he realized that although Pakistan has a government, it isn’t really affective. The best reference I can think of is in episode one, when they are talking and Padme can’t understand how they are slaves and it gets explained to her that the anti-slavery laws don’t exist in the outer rim planets because they are so far away from the republic’s control.
C8 I think that he is the type of guy who says he will help you but neglects to mention that he will only help you if you agree to do something for him in return.
It says in the book that the kidney is the prized piece of protein and by not eating it he is inadvertently telling them that what they think and say doesn’t matter because he is not there to build a school for them.
It means that although Greg has brought all the materials needed to build the school they are useless until they can be brought across the river. They need to build a bridge before they can successfully bring the materials across.
Chapter 7 summary
Mortenson began his trek to Korphe on the 8 hour long journey following the Karakoram Highway. He sat on top of the truck that was carrying the 20’ high supply of lumber for his school.
Chapter 8 summary
Mortenson finally made it to Korphe with the school supplies. And Haji Ali announced that his intentions were good but first they needed a bridge.
Chapter 9 summary
Mortenson moved back to California to find he lost his girlfriend, money, and his job. So he starts over and begins to save money from two new jobs and lives with a fellow climber.
Chapter 10 summary
Mortenson gained the money and went back to Korphe to build the bridge so they could start on the school.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
Chapter 7-
In this chapter Mortenson begins his voyage to Korphe with all of the necessary materials that are need to build the school. During this voyage they were blocked by the Taliban, who were not letting them cross the bridge.
Chapter 8
When Mortenson goes to Khane and Skardu, the people in the village think that Mortenson is going to build each of those villages a school. Then Mortenson finds out that he will need to build a bridge in order to be able to build the school in Korphe.
Chapter 9
Mortenson goes back to San Fransisco, where he finds out his girlfriend Marina is back with her ex boyfriend. Also Mortenson gets fired from his job, due to always being away for his expiditions. But on a lighter note Mortenson recieved enought money to build the bridge from Hoerni.
Chapter 10
In this chapter there were many obstacles in building the bridge. Mortenson met McCown, who is another American and they tried to change what the Pakistani's thought about Americans.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
I think that they are implying from this statement that Pakistan is not very under control of their own country. The government dosn't even have a school for the people of the village. Let alone it does not seem like a complete country because it seems like each village is segregated from eachother. They rarely even have contact with the other villages.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
I think that Changazi is some what of a sneaky man. Without Mortenson's permission, Changazi moved the supplies for the school. "First thing. Where are all my school supplies? I don't see them anywhere." Mortenson said.
Changazi replied "I had them shifted to my other office." (pg. 91) Mortenson may not trust Changazi after this. But Changazi is helping Mortenson out a lot. He may have been sneaky moving the supplies to his other office without asking but i think that Changazi is doing it for Mortenson's best interest.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
I think that Mortenson was trying the get all of their attention by pushing aside the most important part of the meal. I believe that he was trying to get them to see him, so he could tell them that he was building a school in Korphe, and not in their villages.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
I believe they are saying you need to do one thing at a time. Work your way from the bottom, like crossing the river, then working your way to climbing K2. Which I think they are trying to compare with building the school. You need to build the bridge and work your way to building the school.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
I think that Mortenson had McCown act like a big boss from America so that the people in Pakistan recognized that people in America respected and liked McCown. So it would show the Pakistani's that he is not a bad guy. Also it would show that Mortenson is not the only American that cares about building the school in Korphe.
C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
To help motivate the people and let them know that other Americans care too.
1. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
Chap. 7- Mortenson had a long hard trip ahead of him back to Korphe with all his school supplies.They had to take the Karakoram Highway, a very dangerous highway where many people die, in order to get there.
Chap. 8- Mortenson takes his supplies to Changazi's village and Changazi tries to scam him into building his school there by keeping his school supplies from him.
Chap. 9- Basically the people of Korphe decide that they need a bridge more urgently than a school at this time, so they decide they want to build the bridge first.
Chap. 10- They go and hunt an ibex and start the construction of the bridge that will finally make Korphe more easilly accessable and more easy to leave.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion. I am guessing that this is referring to how the people of the country are so incredibully different from each other at times but, they all share a lot of the same beliefs and such.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book? Kind of a scammer, someone who is not too easily trusted just because he can scam his way out of anything, or try and scam someone else easily just to get what he wants.
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning. A kidney is a sacred morsel for at dinner time. The fact that he pushed it aside and did not eat it however, the people he was with did not seem to notice, goes to show that they basically were ignoring him and not listening to a word he had to say about his own school and his own school supplies.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..." Basically I think he met, to accomplish the main goal, other obstacles must be dealt with before hand in order for it to be a success.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America? To build the confidence of the people, for one, and also to show them that Americans are not all bad and that many Americans are willing to help them with their troubles.
1.Chapter 7
In this chapter, we follow the journey of Mortenson receiving all of his supplies and tools to build hi school in Korphe. At the end of this chapter we find him in the city of Skardu.
Chapter 8
In this chapter, we learn that the city of Skardu and Khane believe that Morteson is building the school there. We also learn that Korphe needs a bridge before they can start on the school.
Chapter 9
In this chapter, Mortenson travels back to San Francisco, looses Marina and his job. After meeting a man named Reichardt, he ended up calling Hoerni again to ask for money for the bridge.
Chapter 10
In this chapter, it follows the journey of the bridge from start to finish. Also, Mortenson learns a valuable lesson from Haji Ali. Mortenson tries to convey to the villagers that Americans care.
2 .C7-page 79 – Mortenson was finally on the road to Korphe to finish his school, when the old Bedford carrying the supplies was stopped before the bridge. Mortenson wanted to know why these men were blocking the bridge. He found that “The gunmen guarding the bridge lived up a valley nearby and claimed that the contractor from the government in distant lowland Islamabad arrived with millions of rupees earmarked to widen their game trails into logging roads,…the contractor stole the money…They were blocking the Karakoram Highway until he was returned to them so they could hang him to death form this bridge.”(pg 79) Mortenson was in disbelief about how segregated this country really was. How it was like little groups of gangs all against each other, then all for each other. That is why I believe Mortenson stated “Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn’t more of an idea then a country.”
3. C8- I think that Changazi will not turn out to be a man of his word and he will just end up costing Mortenson more time an d money in the long run with building this school.
4. C8 – page 90 - Mortenson was in a room full of raging men arguing about the school that Mortenson was supposedly building. They did not know that the school was for Korphe, not Khane or Skardu. He had to do something that would catch their attention and get them to notice him so he could tell them that it wasn’t for them. When he received the kidney to eat (which is considered the most valuable organ) he pushed it to the side and didn’t touch it. This should of got a rise out of the villagers, but they were so preoccupied with arguing they didn’t even notice.
5. C8- Page 97 – I think that Haji Ali is trying to convey to Mortenson that when you are trying to achieve something you have to take the journey step by step. When he states that the Ibex must learn how to cross the river before he can learn how to climb K2, he is stating that for the animal to get to K2 he must accomplish the task at hand, which is crossing the river. This is the same with the school. Mortenson must build a bridge to cross the river before he can get to Korphe to build the school.
6. C10 – Mortenson wanted McCown to act like a boss from America to show to the Pakistanis that America did care about their village.
CHAP 7 – Hard Way Home
Mortenson buys and gathers supplies for the school and travels with them in a Bedford . The Bridge on KKH is blocked by “two dozen untamed-looking bearded men in black turbans.” (Pg78) They reach Gilgit.
CHAP 8 –Beaten by the Braldu
After four days of travel, Mortenson meets with Changazi.(Pg 85) Changazi travels with Greg to Khane village. (Pg 88) Changazi tries to convince Mortenson that he promised to build his village a school. Mortenson heads to Korphe where he is warmly welcomed but told by Haji Ali that they need a bridge before they can build a school. (Pg 97)
CHAP 9 –The People Have Spoken
Greg arrives at home and finds out Maria had been cheating on him w/Mario. (Pg 99) He is forced to a motel and finds he only has $83 dollars in his bank account. He picks up night shift at SF Trauma Center. Mortenson talks to Lou Reichardt (summated K2 ) on the phone and he tells Greg to call Jean and ask for money for the bridge.
CHAP 10 – Building Bridges
Hoerni writes Mortenson a check for 10,000 dollars! Mortenson had a meeting about the bridge at Haji Ali’s house. He later helped men carry cables for the bridges from over 18 miles away. Greg finished the bridge and meets McCown.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
There’s no real rule over the country, it is not unified. There is constant fighting and war between its citizens.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
He seems like he is a very persuasive person…but is kind of shady. “But Moretnson’s anger at Jajungpa and Changazi, at their scheming and dishonesty, spilled over…” (Pg 95)
He may turn out to be a hero for his town but currently it seems as though Changazi is using the wrong principles, such as lying, to get what he wants. But also consider… how else will he ever get a school? Mortenson may be his only hope for one!
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
Greg was respectfully declining to eat the kidney without making a big deal. He wanted to please his hosts, so he ate what he enjoyed eating and left the kidney.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
Haji Ali means that there must be a bridge in order to get to the school. He is also referring to Greg Mortenson. Greg must first take care of the schools before he can learn about himself and about what it will take to make it to the top of K2.
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America ?
He wanted to prove to the citizens of Pakistan that Americans are good people.
2) In my opinion I think that Mortenson was wondering if “Pakistan was more an idea than a country” he was thinking that Pakistan at times seems like it has more ideological than country. This is just my opinion.
3) Changazi I think will become a friend or maybe some one that will help.
4) I think that him pushing the kidney to the edge and just eating the rice was his way of staying as polite as he possibly could, even though it could have been taken as disrespect full.
. Write a short summary of each chapter (no more than 35 words) that easily conveys the message/story of that particular chapter.
2. C7 - page 79 - What do you think Mortenson means when he says, "Not for the first time, Mortenson wondered if Pakistan wasn't more of an idea than a country." Use context from the chapter to support your opinion.
3. C8 - What kind of person do you think Changazi will turn out to be over the course of this book?
4. C8 - page 90 - "Mortenson pushed the kidney to one side of the bowl and ate only rice swimming in the greasy gravy, but no one seemed to notice." Explain his action and its meaning.
5. C8 - page 97 - What does Haji Ali mean when he says "...Before the Ibex can climb K2 he must learn to cross the river..."
6. C10 - Why did Mortenson have McCown act like a big boss from America?
1) In C7 Mortenson loaded up all his supplies and made the long trek to Korphe up steep mountains and once being stopped by the Taliban but finally made it to a village a short distance from Korphe
In C8 All his supplies were stored by the same man that help him set up the attempt on K2. The next morning a couple of guys wanted him to come to there village so he could build them a school and spend his American money on them instead of Korphe. Once he got to Korphe he found out that they needed a bridge instead
In C9 Mortenson Returns to America and loses his girlfriend and when he calls into work they fire him for not being back on the date he said and he had no money left. So his life was going down hill fast he got a call from a famous climber after they talked. He gave Mortenson the idea to call Jean and get more money from him. He did and he was back on schedule
In C10 He gets all the stuff to build the bridge and goes back to Korphe to build them a bridge he knows is a normal person to them and a family member of Ali Haji they successfully complete the bridge and he promised to return the next summer to complete the school
2) Mortenson said this after he saw that basically anyone with a guy could do anything with no one to stop him. The man that belongs to the Taliban was holding up the bridge for a man to come back that stole money from their village. No one came to stop them and all any one could do is wait till they left or got what they want
3) I think that Changazi will turn out to be an asset to Mortenson and he will help him out a lot getting people to give him fair prices and help transport the material to the build site
4) In other parts of the world they don’t let any part of the animal go to waste they eat every part of it and later on in the chapter they serve him Ibex brain stew. Their food is very scarce so they don’t let it go to waste. But he didn’t want to be rude so he just put it to the side and hope no one saw
5)Before kids can "climb a mountain" they have to be able to cross a river. He was pointing out that they needed a bridge to cross the river.
6)Mortenson did that so it looked like more people care about Pakistan than just one simple man from America and that there are more people out there trying to help them. Lift their spirits
2. I believe that Mortenson though that the country of Pakistan was just a idea and not a real country because of the disarray of the government.
3. I think that Changazi will turn out to be a person that is helpful to Mortenson only if it benefits him.
4. I think that he did this to insult the men of the village. He wanted to insult them because of the way they were acting towards him and each other.
5. What I believe that Haji Ali means by this that you need to start small and work up to climbing a mountain.
6. He had him do this to hopefully show that he was not the only American that cared about the Pakistani people.
Chapter 7:
Mortenson, Mohamed, and two other assistants begin their journey up the mountain of K2. Along the way they experience many conflicts and difficulties with travel and local tribes.
After being stopped on the bridge by the rebels Mortenson now sees Pakistan as a idea more than a country due to the split between the tribes and their boundaries. This along with the wars fought over this land cause Mortenson to view Pakistan as different regions.
Chapter 8:
Mortenson, while visiting Skardu, meets Akhmalu and Changazi and travel to Ahkmalu’s village and, along with other tribal elders, start to discuss the position of the school. Here is where conflict over the school begins.
As of yet, Changazi seems to be the type of person that wants the best for his people. Due to the desperate times that Changazi and his tribe are experiencing, he finds it easier to try to get what he wants from Mortenson by providing the most troublesome experience possible. By hiding and keeping hidden the items Mortenson needed for the new school shows the character that Changazi has. I feel that this character will become more negative as times wears on, since Mortenson has already planned to build the school in Korphe instead of for Changazi’s people.
Due to the cultural difference between Greg and the people of Pakistan, the action and meaning of Greg moving the kidney, showed that he was not used to the Pakistan culture and their way of life.
Chapter 9:
As Mortenson travels home, he soon discovers how his relationship with Marina has changed. During his time away Marina has found a new boyfriend by the name of Mario, she kicks Greg out, but kindly sends him to a hotel across the street. He now realizes that he is without money, a home, and a job. He struggles to find a job and make money and eventually gets a job at UCLA medical center.
This statement means that Greg first needs to provide a bridge for Korphe instead of actually building a school. This will provide for adequate means that are necessary for the construction of the school.
Chapter 10:
During chapter 10, we find Greg in the village of Korphe about to build the bridge. Before the building of the bridge, they go hunting for Ibex. This adds to the experiences that Greg has had in Pakistan. The building of the bridges was funded by Jean Hoerni’s $10,000 donation.
Mortenson had McCown act like a big boss from American to give the feeling to the Korphe people that there were other people that were involved in organizing and providing for the construction of the school.
1. Chapter 7 - Greg is trying to get to Korphe with all his building supplies for the house/school but the Taliban block them from crossing the bridge.
Chapter 8 - He's spending most of his time in Skardu and Khane where Changazi is and 2 other dudes are trying to convince him to put the school there, then he demands Changazi to take him to Korphe where he finds Haji Ali and they ask him if he can build them a bridge before he builds the school.
Chapter 9 - Well this is a sucky chapter, Greg gets dumped by his girl Marina, then hes fired and if that wasn't enough he was mugged for $2. A man named Lou Reichardt helps him get back on his feet and Greg calls Hoerni and asks for more money for the bridge.
Chapter 10 - Pretty much all they do here is build the bridge and when to build the school.
C7 Pg 79. Pakistan isn't really a country in his eyes right now, it's more of being built into a country, and its in its idea stage. The reason for this, is because Pakistan is split up into a bunch of villages or mini countries I guess.
C8 - A strong willed guy but kind of mean, but will still help Greg because there friends now, as in Changazi isn't trying to steal the school idea from Greg.
C8 Pg. 90 - Even though The kidney is the most important part, he obviously didn't care for it and was trying to be as respectful as possible when he pushed it over.
C8 Pg. 97 - I think he said that because Mortenson was trying to achieve something that was far greater than his current abilities. It's like a baby trying to walk, you have crawl before you can walk.
C10 - He was trying to show America's sympathy toward their cause through an act in an attempt to show them hes not the only one fighting for there cause.
1. Mortenson has all of the supplies needed to build the school, he begins his trip back to Korphe.
2. C7 - page 79 - I think what he meant by this was that with all of the seperation between the people and the villages in Pakistan, it's more of an area than a country it seems.
3. C8 - Changazi seems to be somewhat of a backstabber and I think that eventually he will do something to cross Mortenson.
4. C8 - page 90 - According to Pakistani culture, it is very rude to be wasteful of any food given to you. As rude and obnoxious as the men were being, I think he did this as an attempt to quiet them down. However, even with the bold statement, they still didn't notice and kept on with their obnoxious behavior.
5. C8 - page 97 - I think what he means by this is that he feels that Mortenson is taking things too quickly and not taking notice to the smaller things. He wants the bridge to be built.
6. C10 - Mortenson wanted the people of Korphe to believe that the people of America really do want to help and that not all Americans (with the exception of himself) are bad people.
Chapter 7: Mortenson has finished buying all of his materials for the school, and is heading to Korphe to announce his achievement and start building the school.
Chapter 8: Most of this chapter is about how Mortenson is chatting with Changazi about the school and Changazi is rather disgusted at Greg’s appearance.
C8 – He seems to be very stable and will remain organized with his ideas and opinions throughout the book.
Chapter 9: In this chapter, Mortenson arrives back in San Francisco only to find that his girlfriend, Marina, has left him for her ex-boyfrend. He is back in San Francisco because the people of Korphe need a bridge to be built first before the school.
Chapter 10: is about the difficulties of building a bridge to carry the things needed to build the school. Mortenson is learning even more about the Pakistani customs and such.
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