There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? --Rumi
Authors use titles and quotes to catch attention and forecast main ideas of the text you are reading.
- How does this title and quote relate to the text?
- Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
- After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
- Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
- Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
1. I think that this quote is relating to Tara and Mortenson's relationship. He had just met her, and they immediately fell in love and got married. The title related to the text because Mortenson and Tara had only known each other for six days before they got married.
2. Before I read the text, I thought that he would meet someone or get back together with Marina.
3. After I read, my way of thinking didn’t change that much. I knew that he was going to find someone. I just didn’t think they would meet and get married so soon. There was a possibility that he might’ve gotten back together with Marina, but now that’s cleared up. It did make me think differently about the title. I thought it was going to mean something like it took 6 days for Mortenson to go back to Pakistan. I didn’t think it was going to mean how long they knew each other before they got married!
4. The way I knew what the chapter was about was because of the quote they used at the beginning. You wouldn’t put a quote like that, and then have the chapter be all about a man who plays internet games for years on end. It would relate to what was coming in the book.
5. I don’t think I would rename this chapter. The title fits perfectly already. It emphasizes the irony of how long they knew each other, and it summarizes the chapter.
6. Like I said before, the quote applies to the chapter because Mortenson and Tara fall in love and get married. Before he met her (in previous chapters) he was talking about how lonely he was, and the “void in your soul” represents the loneliness. When he met Tara, the fire in his heart was kindled because he fell in love, and the void in his soul was filled because he finally had a companion.
1)The title relates to the text because Greg got married to Tara bishop in just six days of meeting her. The quote relates to the text because it is saying that your lonely and you know it so fill the void.
2)I thought that he was going to leave and go back to building the school in six days
3) Yes, it changed because I found out it was about love not the school.
4)I can’t think of a better way do name this chapter.
5 It explains lonelyness that Greg had but now he found his true love.
It relates to the text because in chapter six Greg meets the love of his life, Tara and in only six days of knowing each other they get married, Tara lit the candle in Gregs heart and filled the void that was there. Ithought that Greg was going to go back to Korphe in six days and build the school, and that doing the work was the void being filled in his heart. Yes becuase I now believe that the quote is talking about love, and in six days he gets married to Tara. I would change the chapter to maybe, "Love at Last". The quote applys because The unlit candle, and void was filled and lit by Tara, and Greg lit and filled Tara's candle and void.
• How does this title and quote relate to the text?
Because he feels happy that he is going to continue his work in Pakistan
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
That it would take them 6 days to build the school
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
Yes I see now that this guy can’t Wright a title that means any thing
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
Poorly writhen garbage
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
It’s the same optimistic nonsense that the whole book is about.
How does this title and quote relate to the text? it relates to the text by the kindle in the heart is love and void is an empty space waiting to be filled by someone else in this case Tara, his wife to be in six days.
Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect? I kind of made a prediction of him finding love form the foreshadowing of the quote, but never expected it to happen.
How did you know what the chapter was about? I kind of just had a feeling of love not so much of marriage but a thought of love, after reading I was shocked he found love after 6 days of being with someone.
Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? I wouldn't want to give the whole chapter away because i feel that takes away form the experience of the reading, i really enjoy the surprise and would name it "six days to love."(Not much different)
the quote is kindle the heart of love and finding a soul mate not being full without that one person.
This quote and title relates to the chapter because Greg finds the love of his life and he says that his heart is filled. He marries a woman named Tarah after 6 days of knowing her.
Before reading this chapter I thought that Greg was going to finish the bridge and start on the school because thats what he has been wanting to do.
After reading the chapter my thougths on the title and quote changed because I realized they were based on his new wife.
If i was hired to rename the chapter i would name it "The Pain Has Drifted Away" because he no longer feels the pain that he felt over losing Marina.
The quote applys to the chapter because Greg was depressed and alone for so long after losing Marina, and now that he has met Tarah he feels that his life is complete. He feels that he has finaly met the girl for him.
Mortenson has been feeling very lonely and it even says in the text something about him missing something ever sense he dropped the vodka into the trash… Happiness, and by happiness I think he means in his love life. He wants someone to spend time with and share his accomplishments with, but he now knows that Marina is not that person. I believe the quote by Rumi is touching on this and also giving a hint that Mortenson will find someone. The quote is light hearted and isn’t very dark feeling it’s very inspirational, like your ready to have your heart light on fire because it is going to happen soon. The title of the book “6 days” makes total sense with the text because when Mortenson finally did find a special someone (Tara), the are only together for 6 days before they get married. When I first read the quote I didn’t really think anything of his love life, I thought maybe it was about the school and not having it finished yet, giving him a void in his heart. I guess I didn’t really think through the whole “heart catching on fire” part. Now that I have read the chapter the meaning of the quote is obvious to me. If I were to rename the chapter I would name it “extended home stay” because that would show that something interesting would happen in America, the reader would think: “well why would he want to stay in America so much if he wants to finish the school so badly?”, and “what if he can’t build the school”, things like that.
1. Mortenson finds happiness, something he hasn’t felt for a long time. He finds his true love Tara, and they marry six days after they met. The quote is foreshadowing the love that Mortenson will feel. “A Candle in your heart”= Lonely “ready to be kindled”= Love.
2. When I read the title and quote I was thinking that something good was going to happen. There has always been another thing that had to be done or a road block in plans, but I think that Mortenson’s luck is going to change in the chapter.
3. I was right about my assumption because Mortenson found his true love in this chapter. The title six days is telling you how many days after they met that they got married.
4. I would rename it “New Found Happiness”
5. When the quote says, “There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.” I think its talking about a want for love and happiness that Mortenson feels inside that is about to be filled in this chapter. It’s all just foreshadowing Tara coming into his life.
This quote relates to the text because he met this woman Tara and married her within 6 days of meeting her. I think personally he went too far to fill that void, I think all her really needed was a woman to date and hand with when he was board and he needed somewhere and someone to come home to. Before I actually read the chapter, I just thought that he since he was so obsessed with building the school and so involved with it that his life would not be right ever again until the day he finishes the school. The chapter title make me think that he was going to go back and finish the school in 6 days. After I read the chapter my view of the title and quote definitely changed. It totally threw me off. I think that’s a good writing tool, because you are saying something that could mean so many different things so the reader is intrigued to read on. If it was my job to rename this chapter I would really have to think about it. I would want to leave it the same to keep the reader in the book, but deep inside I really want to change it to something like "Filling the Void". I think that it means that Greg needs love to set his heart on fire and keep himself motivated. Personally I think that he really should not have married her considering that she is the re-bound girl and who wants to be stuck with the re-bound for the rest of their lives?
1. I think that this quote relates to the chapter because it talks about a candle that you have inside of you that is ready to be lit, and I think that mortensons candle is lit in this chapter.
2. I thought that things would begin to turn for mortenson and things would start going better
3. After I read, My thinking of the title and the quote were still kind of the same. Mortenson ended up finding hope with Tara, and things began to turn around
4. I dont think that I would want to change the title of this chapter because it represents the chapter very well.
5. I think that the qoute is good for this chapter is because it explains metaphorically what the chapter is like
1. I just thought something was going to happen in six days. I dont really pay attention to the quote because to me the quote doesn't relate to the text as much.
2. I will read the the title of the chapter and the quote but I try not to figure out what the main idea of the chapter is, because if I tried to figure out what the chapter was about I would get lost.
3. I really thought of the chapter differently because I thought it had to do with the bridge or the school. I never would have thought that he was going to find his true love.
4. Ding...Ding...Ding
5. The quote relates to the text because Mortenson found his wife in this chapter and the candle in his heart is love and he had found his true love in this chapter. So his void in his soul is filled and the candle in his heart is lit!
The title and quote are relating to Tara Bishop the woman that Mortenson married after only knowing her for six days.
Before reading the text you might think that the quote is refering to Mortenson's passion to build the school. With the title being Six Days you think that something is going to happen within or during six days but you probably wouldn't think that he would be getting married!
After reading the text I realized that the quote is refering to Mortenson's desire for a wife and the quote is the amount of time Mortenson knew Tara Bishop before they got married.
I don't think that I would change the title of this chapter. Six Days is perfect because you wonder what is going to happen in six days and when you get to part where Mortenson gets married, you figure it out and its not what you thought at all!
Chapter 11-
The quote relates to the text in chapter 11 because Mortenson finds his love, Tara Bishop. Who he married after knowing her for 6 days. Where they they started by..."whispering to each other in the darkened Fairmont Hotel ballrrom." (pg.134) They fell for eachother fast. As they Tara said, "Welcome to my life." Mortenson replied "Welcome to my heart." So for Mortenson, his heart was kindled and that void in his sould was filled.
2. Before I read the text, the quote lead me to expect that Mortenson would find his true love. "Mortenson and Twaha sat up long after most of Korphe slept to talk. Their great subject was women. Mortenson was fast approaching forty, Twaha, about to turn thirty-five." (pg. 120) So it seemed to me that he was really wanting to get married and that it was going to happen soon. But the title made me to believe that something is going to happen in six days. Something supprising, maybe even about love since the quote has to do with love.
1. I think the quote is related to the title because the quote states "There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.", Tara is the one that kindles the Candle in Mortenson's heart and she fulfills Mortenson's void in his soul.
2. I expected Mortenson to either get back together with Marina or meet another women over the course of six days.
3. My way of thinking did not change after I read the text because my expectations were correct. Only, I wasn't expecting Mortenson to get married so soon.
4. I honestly am not able to think of a better title for this chapter. "Six days" doesn't give away the content of the chapter but it shows the significance of how long Mortenson and Tara knew each other before getting married.
5. The quote applies to this chapter because Mortenson's love life had swiftly changed direction when he returned to California. However, everyone is always ready to have their candle within their heart kindled and have their void in their soul be fulfilled.
I think the text in chapter 11 is referring to Moretenson and Tara, because they met, and got married right away.
The quote refers to this chapter because they only knew each other for six days before they got married. Tara was like a lighted candle and she filled the void/emptiness in Greg’s heart.
Before reading this chapter I thought the quote and title referred to what Greg was doing in Pakistan. I thought he would go back in six days to build the school or something like that.
Now that I’ve read it, I know that it was referring to Tara, not to Pakistan or the school in Korphe.
I would keep the chapter title the same. It fits perfectly to the content of the chapter and kind of leaves you wondering, "What’s going to happen in six days?" It doesn't even refer to love or use love in the title and it leaves you surprised when you actually figure out what it meant.
Once again, the quote by Rumi applies to this chapter because Tara is the filler of the empty void in Greg’s soul. Once she comes into the picture Greg isn't lonely anymore.
1. I fell that only the qoute was a helpful hint to the information that was going to be given to you in the chapter. It infered to a filling of a void in a persons life this is often realated to love. No my way of thinking did not chang after reading the title and qote because I figued that the chapter was going to be about love. I knew this because of only the quote the title was not much help but the quote was infering the filling of some void in his life.
2 If I was was hired to rename the chapter after reading what it was about I would name it Love Found.
3. The candle that he talks about is infuring to mortesans heart and flame of love that was to be ignited in his hart.
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? --Rumi
Authors use titles and quotes to catch attention and forecast main ideas of the text you are reading.
• How does this title and quote relate to the text?
o You are lonely. You need to fill it
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
o You have six days to finish the school and the bridge.
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
o Greg and Tara got married. By reading.
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
o From past to marriage
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
o You need love to fill the void you know you have.
Chapter 11
1.The title relates to Mortenson and Tara and how they got married very fast, in just a couple weeks.
2. Just by reading the text, I thought that Mortenson and Tara were going to break up. I thought Mortenson was going to end the relationship.
3. after reading the text, my understanding of the title had changed. In the beginning I thought they were going to break up, but in the end they actually got married of all things.
4. If I were to change the title of this chapter I would rename it “The One and Only..” because of the way Mortenson feels toward Tara. He would have to feel this way to get married to her in such a short amount of time.
5. the love that they have for each other cant be kindled, it has to be let out in the open. That is why they got married.
• How does this title and quote relate to the text?
In six day the void in Greg’s heart was filled.
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
That Greg is going to fall in love.
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
The title doesn’t show what the chapter is going to be about jut that some thing is going to happen in six days. The quote does speak of love you can just tell.
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
How to fall in love in six days.
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
It tells of love and how to deal with love when it confronts you.
Chapter 11:
1. The title and quote of chapter 11 refers to how Mortenson met his wife, or the “void in his soul, ready to be filled.” After 6 days of getting to know one another, they fell in love and got married.
2. When I originally read the title I was thinking that it had something to do with leaving or going back to Pakistan in six days, or finishing a certain product in Pakistan in that amount of time.
3. My opinion completely changed after I read the chapter because my original hypothesis was that he was in Pakistan, but instead he was back in San Francisco falling in love, getting married and postponing his flights back to Pakistan.
4. Honestly, I wouldn’t change it; I think that the chapter’s title and quote reflects what is going on in that period of his life perfectly. If I had to change the title of this chapter to a different name it would be “Frequent Postponements,” or something along those lines.
5. This quote signifies that Mortenson has been alone for such a long time in his life and it is time for him to go and look for that lady of his dreams. He needs to fill that hole in his heart and find his new happiness.
How does this title and quote relate to the text? Greg only knew Tera for six days befor he got married with her.
Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)? I thought that he was ging to get lost for six days or somthing bad was going to happen go him.
After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about? For me it changed because i didn't think that was ging to get marride al all.
Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? I would the of named it "The unperdictble".
Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter? That everyone has something inside of each person and it tells the person when it has found the perfect person in your life.
The title Six Days relates to the six days Mortenson and Tara knew each other before they got married. The quote simply is stating the candle waiting to be kindled is love, and the void for Mortenson was Tara.
Before I read the chapter I thought that the six days was the amount of time it would take them to build the school. Now that seems like not enough time, but I thought he was that determined. The quote I believed related to his passion for building the school and the void was him longing for the school to be built.
After reading the chapter my perspective definately changed because I realized the quote pointed to love and he couldn't build an entire school in six days.
If I were to change the title of this chapter, I would name it Welcome to My Heart because I loved that quote when Mortenson said it to Tara. It was the perfect momment.
This quote applies to the chapter in the way of Mortenson ready and needing to have love in his life, and Tara coming in and filling that void.
1. The Title of Chapter 11 is Six Days. The reason for this is that Mortenson got married to his wife six days after they met. The quote is representing both of their lives, that it was finally time for both of them to find someone.
2. I expected it to be like six days of hell or something, like maybe they get caught in the middle of a battle in pakistan or someting, i wasnt at all expecting him to get married!!
3. Yes, my way of thinking about the title of the chapter changed. It went from, thinking there was gonna be a big problem, to probably the best thing thats ever happened to Mortenson.
4. I would rename this chapter 6 Revolutions of the Earth. Just because its another way of saying 6 days, and thats pretty much the perfect chapter name.
5. The quote applies to the chapter because they both have open spots in their heart and they found each other.
How does this title and quote relate to the text? When he got married to Tara in only six days he felt a candle inside him be rekindled. He just knew that he wanted his soul to be filled with her.
Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)? He was going to be captured or something.
After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? Yes. If so, how? It was intended to be a happy title, not a sad or a mean one.
Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? Soulmates?
Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter? That both him and Tara felt that they needed to get married after only six days beacause they both had a void that they needed to fill. Tara- her father died; Greg- his girlfreind left him at the worst possible time.
Before reading the text this title and quote lead me to believe that a significant amount of progress will be made with the school, or that Mortenson will find someone special in his life.
1) i think that its about Mortenson and that he had a void in his soul after Maria left him and a candle in his heart after he relized that Maria wasnt for him and the "one" is still out there waiting for him.
2) well the obvious answer is something happens in 6 days and if you read the quote you kinda get the hint something is doing to happen to him in six days
3) After i read it i was sort of correct but my guess about it was open ended. But i was right about that something happen to him. But i was kind of hard to believe they married in six days that is very soon in todays standards. I thought maybe they met afte six days of talking or something.
4) i would probably name it match made in heaven or some sappy thing like that. But i think 6 days is a good name it gives you something but doesnt give you the whole story and basically invites you to read the chapter
5) It a very good quote that basically described Mortenson and how he feels at that time in his love life
1.How does this title and quote relate to the text?
- The title of the chapter definitely relates to the chapter itself because Mortenson and his wife got married in just six days of meeting each other. The quote is the same way. It is like their relationship and how they fell in love with each other in a very short time.
2. Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
- Before reading the chapter I thought that he would build the school in six days and then fall in love, but I didn’t expect the opposite.
3. After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
- My thoughts did change after I read the chapter because it was mostly on his new wife and not about the school.
4. Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
- New Beginnings
5. Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
- I think that this quote applies to this chapter because Mortenson has his void filled when he meets Tara and the candle is lit.
In six days Mortenson was married to the woman of his dreams and the void was filled. I thought the school was going to be built in 6 days. After reading I found that 6 days was not about the school, but about Mortenson finding love. I think “Love at first sight” would have also been a fitting title for this chapter.
After I read my thoughts changed just a little bit. It showed me that the quote was most definitely about Mortenson kindling his heart, when he met his wife Tara. I didn’t really know what the title Six Days was about but after I read the chapter I found out it was that Mortenson married Tara after knowing her for 6 days.
If I renamed chapter 11 I would call it Love at First Sight because Mortenson and Tara met and got married in six days. Getting married after knowing your spouse for only six days deserves and fills the saying love at first sight. Nobody gets married that soon and still loves each other and makes their marriage work but for them it does.
The Rumi quote relates to this chapter, because Mortenson's heart was kindled and his soul is filled when he met and fell in love with Tara.
To me it sounds like he is feeling something, love towards tara maybe.
When I read the title "Six days" I had pictured him getting in trouble
I didnt expect the title to explain how long they had known ecahother before they got married. It was quite surprising.
I think it is a great title for this chapter, but if I had to change it I would go with "Love at first shot" or something. I dont know, something creative? haha
It applies because that is how, I tnink, Mortenson feels. He is lonely, he wants a mate.
• How does this title and quote relate to the text? Well, it relates quite simply, Mortenson met his love and his life completely changed in six days.
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)? I thought that maybe the void in his heart was the incomplete Korphe school so I thought that maybe the title 6 days meant that the school was going to be completed in six days, because I thought that that was the void they were talking about in his heart.
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about? Oh yea it completely changed. The void in Mortensons life and in his heart was the absence of love, not the Korphe school. He found this missing love in six days with Tara. He found complete bliss and became an entirely different man after marrying her.
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? Unknown Bliss or something like that, a title just basically stating the love he found that he never knew he could.
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter? It applies because Mortenson, despite his involvement with the Korphe school realized that something else was missing in his life. He could feel it missing. And finally, at the end of the chapter the candle in his heart waiting to be lit by just the right flame, became ignited with Tara’s love.
1.The title of chapter eleven is title ‘Six Days’. I think that this is the title because it only took Greg Mortenson and Tara Bishop six days to get married after meeting each other. The quote supporting the title is about Greg’s want to find love. “There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.” (pg 125) This means Greg is lonely and lingers to find love. “You feel it, don’t you?” (pg 125) This is stating that Greg knows he wants to find somebody and that he has not lost hope yet. The title and the supporting quote is all foreshadowing what the chapter is going to be about; Greg Mortenson finally meeting his love Tara Bishop.
2.Before I even started reading the text, I did not think that this chapter was going to be about Mortenson finding Bishop. I believed that the quote was foreshadowing him wanting to fill the void in his heart and soul with building the school. Wow, was I wrong.
3.After I started reading the chapter my thoughts about the title and quote did change. I knew what the chapter was about when it stated ““Welcome to my life” Tara said, pulling back to look Mortenson in the face. “Welcome to my heart,” he said, and wrapped her in his arms.” (pg 133) I finally realized that this is exactly what the quote needed.
4.I would rename this chapter ‘It Doesn’t Have to Take Forever’.
5.“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.” (pg 125) This means Greg is lonely and lingers to find love. “You feel it, don’t you?” (pg 125) This is stating that Greg knows he wants to find somebody and that he has not lost hope yet.
There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? --Rumi
• How does this title and quote relate to the text?
It talks about how Greg’s candle in his heart is starting to get lit…everything is starting to work together, especially with women.
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
The quote made me think that the chapter would be about Greg’s passion being pursued. It also led me to believe that he may find romance.
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
I figured that Mortenson would get back together with Maria, which he did not. I also figured a lot would happen with the schools Mortenson was building, which did not happen either. Instead, Greg found love, and married after six days!
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
An Unexpected Gift
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
Greg filled the void in his soul with a woman named Tara. The longing in his heart was for Tara.
The sudden marriage of Greg and Tara was the main support for this quote and title.
1. the title six days relates to the fact that Mortenson and Tara got married in six days and also is talking about the love they share together
2. When I read the title and quote I was thinking that something amazing was going to happen in the six days. I kind of knew what it was about because of what the previous chapters where leading to
3. Yea I was right because they did end up get married.
4. I would name it Love at first sight
5. I think its talking about Mortenson wanting love and feeling inside that is about to be filled in this chapter.
1. the quote is foreshadowing what is to come in the chapter. He meets Tara Bishop, then within six days they get married, he was feeling lonely then she comes into his life and fills his void.
2. i thought it would take six days for something good to happen to him
3. my thought didn't change, he met and married a woman in six days. That is what i got out of the title and quote.
4. " A lifetime in 6 days"
5. he meets the women he will spend the rest of his life in this chapter, and if that isn't enough he marries her in six days in this chapter as well.
Chapter 11:
1. I feel that the title “Six days” refers to the deep longing inside Mortenson’s heart, and to provide himself with someone who will fill that “void in his soul.”
2. I assumed that the title was referring to the certain time period in which Mortenson would complete any specific project that he was involved with at that given time.
3. After reading chapter 11 with the title of “Six Days,” I felt that the chapter title “Six Days” was referring to how Mortenson feel in love with a woman he had barely met six days earlier. So he actually wasn’t in Pakistan for 6 days, instead he was in San Francisco falling in love.
4. Yes, I would change the title because “Six Days” doesn’t describe the actual happenings within this chapter. I would change it to “A hole never filled…until now.”
5. This quote shows how every person has a hold in their heart that is filled by that one special person. During this chapter Greg finds that special person and gets married SIX DAYS LATER!
How does this title and quote relate to the text?
1.The title relates to the candle that was rekindled in Gregs heart by Tara Bishop whom he had met and married in six of the happiest days he had expierenced.
Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
2.The title to chapter 11 explains that there will be a significance to six days and the quote hints that Mortensons heart may be filled.
After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
3.I thought that in the chapter Mortenson would come into a happy life. I did not assume it was with a women though. I thought of his work instead. Therefore my way of thinking was changed.
Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
4.If I was hired to rename the chapeter I would name it Tara Bishop, although I personally favor the title six days because it did made me curious to what would happen in six days. The quote applies to the chapter completely Mortenson became lonely after Marina which represents the rekindled heart and then he threw himself into his work which represented that void in his soul. Tara filled his heart and he felt it.
How does this title and quote relate to the text?
1.The title relates to the candle that was rekindled in Gregs heart by Tara Bishop whom he had met and married in six of the happiest days he had expierenced.
Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
2.The title to chapter 11 explains that there will be a significance to six days and the quote hints that Mortensons heart may be filled.
After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
3.I thought that in the chapter Mortenson would come into a happy life. I did not assume it was with a women though. I thought of his work instead. Therefore my way of thinking was changed.
Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to? Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
4.If I was hired to rename the chapeter I would name it Tara Bishop, although I personally favor the title six days because it did made me curious to what would happen in six days. The quote applies to the chapter completely Mortenson became lonely after Marina which represents the rekindled heart and then he threw himself into his work which represented that void in his soul. Tara filled his heart and he felt it.
1. This quote referred to Greg Mortenson and Tara's relationship. After his previous failed attempt, he had finally found the woman of his dreams, kindling the "candle in his heart" and filling the "void in his soul".
The title relates to their impulsive decision to get married six days after they had met, as they knew they were finally in love.
2. Before reading the text, I assumed that it meant that Mortenson and Marina would get back together.
As far as the six days, I figured that it meant the time before he returned to Pakistan, or something like that.
3. After I read the chapter, my thinking shifted slightly, as he did indeed get together with someone, just not Marina as I had expected.
The six days, however, was completely a surprise.
4. Actually, I think this title really fits quite well with the theme of the chapter, and I would leave it the way it is.
5. The "void" in Mortenson's soul was his lonelyness. He was tired of being alone, and he wanted to be with someone. When he met Tara, that void was filled.
1. It relates to how he felt when he met Tara, the void in his soul is now filled and the candle in his heart has kindled.
2. I thought it meant he was getting ready to start building the school.
3. Ya my thinking changed, He falls in love after 6 days. My thinking was way off.
4. "Unexpected feelings" because as soon as he sees Tara hes like instantly in love.
5. Well that quote applies to this chapter fully, when he sees Tara for the first time his candle in his heart is re-lit and the void in his soul is now filled because of Tara.
• How does this title and quote relate to the text?
Well he is feeling pretty good, because he gets to continue his work in Pakistn.
• Before you read the text, what did the title and quote lead you to expect (what did you think would happen)?
I thought that Greg was going to finish the bridge.
• After you read, did your way of thinking about the title and quote change? If so, how? If not, how did you know what the chapter was about?
Mortenson ended up finding love with Tara, and things began to turn around for him.
• Okay, you have been hired to rename this chapter based on your reading. What would you change it to?
I would rename it "The Fullfilled Gift"
• Reread the quote by the famous 13th century poet Rumi - how does it apply to this chapter?
Talking about love and happiness that Mortenson feels.
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